Title: Wings
andreecynthia Pairing(s): AriYama (Arioka x Yamada), InooBu (Inoo x Yabu), HikaKi (Hikaru x Takaki), OkaJima (Okamoto x Nakajima), AND! ChiiTaro (Chinen x Ryutaro)
Rating: PG (language)
Genre: crack. SO MUCH OF IT
Summary: dear arrows, you suck! - from Ryutaro
Beta: me!
Warning: I think I failed at crack?
Disclaimer: I OWN NO ONE!!! But I do own my story…since it came from my brain…and that’s mine too.
A/N: you don’t comment…I’ll feel like a total loser and go cry in the corner because I’ll think no one is reading…and eventually stop posting
A/N: Happy Valentine’s Day minna~! Hope this fic makes you smile!
and it's a day after (in my time) but internet was a bum...so...BELATED V-DAY!