Awesome + Not-Awesome

Apr 16, 2012 23:06

So something awesome today, and something not-awesome! ...And also something normal.

Way back in January, I was pretty desperately looking for a job, and one of the places I applied at was a Gamestop / EB Games. Didn't really think I'd get it, because they weren't hiring then, and, dude, it's kinda like my store: everyone wants to work there. Buuuuuuut! Today, I got a missed call from somewhere I didn't know, and they left a message, and I checked, and, and! It's from the assistant manager there! :DD They were wanting to know if I was still looking for a job and they'd like to speak with me. Hurrah!

I called back after I got home this evening, and the assistant manager was still there. We chatted a bit, and they said basically, two of their main people were leaving, so they're going to be very shortstaffed soon. I told them I was working right now, but my job is semi-temporary and they semi-don't-care when I come in and don't. They said they're looking for somewhere around 10-25 hours a week, which... I think I can handle fine and work into my, uh, work, if it's closer to the 15-ish end rather than the 25-ish end.

Anyway, so, I have an interview on Saturday. :D With the assistant manager. And then if they like me, they'll give me another one with the manager. But hopefully I can get it! They said my resume looked very impressive. :DD Now I'm vaguely worried I'm not gamery enough, but I just updated my backloggery and I have like over 130 games. >.>; (Me. Not gamery enough? I practically eat live breathe video games. >.>; I dream in video games.) Plus, even though I mainly focus on RPG, I am pretty much good with anything except sports and horror. So! Hoping! :D It's not the end of the world if I don't get it, since I still do have a job right now, but current job is getting boring, and I really think they're going to run out of things for me to do soon. So like this, maybe if I work like 3 days in one place and 2-3 days in the other, I can prolong my usefulness at the office to begin with, and also not get bored. Other good thing is, this Gamestop is really close to my place, too. About half an hour, like the office. Although it's in a different direction. XD; So it'd take roughly an hour to get BETWEEN the two. XD;; ...*ponders* No, maybe not an hour. But at least 45 minutes or so.

I think my current job won't be so pleased about this, but I think it should be okay. They do seem to be running out of things for me to do, honestly. I was mainly working on accounting before, but we're pretty much caught up now. And then I was working on the catalogue and price list, but that's basically done now with only like 1-2 items added every week or so. On the price list, I mean. I don't do the catalogue itself, but I do spell-check it, but... it's not like the guy who makes it is that quick at it, anyway. So that's also a once every few days thing. So really, if I just go once every few days, it'll be fine. >.>;

I am working on the website and cleaning up this archive/storage room, but I'm nearly done with the website (I write item descriptions, not code the site XD), and I hate doing the storage room. So I can probably finish both of these before I start the other job, even. And even if I can't, they're not that important. I'm sure it's fine if I come in every few days...

I don't think I should tell them about this unless I pass the assistant manager's interview and meet the manager, though. Because there's no guarantee I'd get the job...

Anyway, I've always wanted to work at a video game store. ;_____; Also I bought all the board games I wanted already. *shot*

Actually, if I do work at both, I'd probably be the envy of every teenager. >.>;

So on the down side, I nearly got hit by a car on the way home. D: And it was completely the driver's fault.

Okay, so, I was walking home with groceries. Got to an intersection. My light was green. I was about to cross when I noticed that in the car right in front of me, which was trying to turn right, the driver was looking to the left, away from me. So I wasn't sure whether or not I should cross, and decided to play it safe, and waited until after the guy turned.

And the whole. Entire. Time. He never once looked my way, and didn't even notice I was there until halfway through his turn. So yes, if I went, I would have been a squishy. :\

It doesn't really sound that dangerous, because nothing at all happened to me, but... it was really just luck that I happened to glance over and see the driver not-looking-at-me. Not only is it not my job to look into the cars, it's also not possible sometimes, because some of them have tinted windows.

So uh. Yeah. Close call, lucky break. Especially since I usually just charge ahead. Was only careful today because I was slow because I had too much heavy groceries.

On the bright side, you slow down when you turn, right? Plus he was stationary, and just started moving, so I probably wouldn't have died anyway. Um. Some bright side, right?

And now, normal unrelated stuff...

I got groceries, hurrah! I pretty much just had spinach, mushrooms, and this Chinese veggie I always ate left, as far as vegetables went, and I was kind of sick of all three because I, uh, ate them all the time. XD; So I went to the grocery store, wandered around, bought a bunch of snacks (snacks are way expensiver than vegetables DDDDD:), and then... and then... bought a ton of mushrooms again. BAW. XD; I got a bunch of different kinds this time, because I was... uh. Curious? XD;;; I'm going to make some weird mushroom stew, I think. It will be delicious.

Mom is going to China in May! She asked me to make a list of what I want. I really have no idea. I want... tea. And like Chinese paintbrushes and those inksticks and grinding inkwells. And that's about it, I guess. ._.; What else is awesome and cheap in China, or only in China? I totally would like pretty dresses and/or makeuppy stuff, but those are really things I'd need to look at myself... I've pretty picky tastes in dresses, and mom wouldn't know how to pick good quality makeup. Well, plus I'm pretty satisfied with the Shiro stuff. It makes me feel happily geeky, too. I'll just save up for some expensiver neutral mattes later to balance them out or something.

So, uh, I dunno what else. I have a qipao/cheongsam already, don't really need more...

Oh! Maybe shoes? Mom is semi-familiar with my preferred shoe styles, and there are none my size over here. Also, musical instruments are a generally popular choice, aren't they! ...Too bad I can't really play any and can't be bothered to learn now. Oh well. I'll just stick to drawing.

Semi-relatedly, I kind of want to start sewing again. Properly this time. Start collecting pretty fabrics, making pretty dresses... I would like very much to be able to switch to a fancier wardrobe, and maybe just wear my t-shirts and comfy clothes and stuff at home. Or I guess doing physical things like buying groceries and exercise and stuff. (Speaking of which, gotta exercise more. Current job is sitting on my butt all day, after all.)

Anyway, uh. Sorry for lack of Type-0 stuff even though I said I was going to write up something soon. XD; I haven't actually played much beyond leveling a bit and preparing to go explore some scary cave Jami mentioned. I'll write up a thingie of the opening and chapter 1 soon. :D

Also guys, baw baw, I really want an icon of this picture. XD Please? (It's okay, I'll go request one sometime. XD)
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