Thankus! And yeah, it's... x.x Apparently, security is hiring, but I don't have the money to get the license right now, or the time to actually wait for it to come. (I'm still lacking another piece of ID to get it, too, and that costs money too, and takes time to get here. Baw...)
*nodnod* Sand Ship is really scaring me. ;_; It's pretty safe right now, but all those beamos bases and skeletons lying around are making me wonder what's coming... D:
I was SO SCARED of the Zombie Bobolins! ;________;! The description was adorable, though. But I don't like things that don't die. I don't like being chased. I don't like having to run. Oh my gosh I freaked out so much during my trial of courage, I made Eilia do my trial of wisdom for me because I can't stand to just run. >.>;;;;; (Dead Hands scare me too. D: Well, they didn't in the Forest Temple, when I could pick them off from a distance, but Shadow Temple nearly killed me. But I'm slightly less scared of Redeads while adult, at least, because Sun's Song, and they die in two hits with Biggoron's Sword.)
*nods* I like finding out about characters most, more than the overarching story, so I'm liking it so far. The only thing I like about Tartarus is the treasure. XD I don't care what it is, if it's in a treasure chest, it needs to be mine. >.>; Have you tried the female story? Eilia said she wasn't sure if it was you or V, but she remembered one of you saying one of the genders was really bad, but the other one was better, but she couldn't remember which one?
I've heard lots of good things about P4! They haven't released a portable version of that one yet, though, have they?
I actually rather like fighting beamos. XD The skeletons are usually just bobolins with those electric... tazer...sword...things, so nothing really too threatening.
They die if you use a fatal blow on them! And since I had a sacred shield, I just put it in front and they all avoided me anyway, haha.
Ah, by dead hand I mean this thing instead of the hands that grab you out of nowhere (although those drove me crazy when I was younger too ;-;) Readeads scared me to death when I first played it when I was like... 8 or 9? Now they don't really bother me, but I think that's thanks to MM and how you can get them to dance more than anything. XD
I haven't! I... didn't really like the original game enough to go through that again, since the story et all seems to be the same, you just have different - and as people keep on telling me "better" - romance options. I'm not really that big on the whole dating virtual characters thing anyway/don't like the party members of that game that much, so I don't really have any desire to try the female storyline. *shrugs*
They haven't, but one is coming out for the Vita sometime soon-ish!
Baaaaaaaaaw. I keep dying -- well, not dying, but getting severely injured. I am so terrified of the electric thingie bobolins! D: They've damaged me more than most bosses. I'm not good at avoiding their electricity...
They do? Die die? Properly die? I didn't know. o_o And yeah, I used a sacred shield too. XD
Oh, right, that one. Sorry, I was thinking floormasters. I was terrified of the well dead hand, but the Shadow Temple one wasn't too bad. Since it died in two hits. >.> Redeads still scare me as a child and before the Sun's Song. ;_; But not so much as an adult...
Aah, okay. I might try it later. The female story's dating options are a little more attractive than the male story's. >.>
Ooh, awesome. Dunno when I'm getting Vita, though, but I guess I can wait.
Haha, I must have no sense of self-preservation. I just run up and start wailing at them, despite how, as said above, I lose more hearts to electricity than anything else. D: (Well, either that or I don't really beat them so much as avoid them until I can get them out of the timestone range and they turn to dust again)
They do! Knock them down + fatal blow = POOF! Plus they drop dark crystals! After I updated all the items that needed them, I got like... 1700 rupees from selling all the dark crystals I had.
Despite everything, I've always loved the Shadow Temple. XD /is crazy. I think I liked it because it does have such atmosphere to it...
Have you gotten to the point where you can have a with Aigis? I started out thinking I'd go with Fuuka, but then Aigis ended up being the only romance option I actually liked the of, heh. (... which shouldn't even count, since... robot. ;-; The rank 10 scene for that was so very, very awkward)
I smack them and they go BZZZZZZT and I got BAAAAAAAAAAW ;________________;
Ooh. Sounds shiny. *_* Maybe I'll go... back there... eventually... ...after I stop being terrified... maybe...? ;_;
Baw. Shadow Temple was... ...actually, not nearly as scary as I feared. I brought a green potion with me, and convinced myself to stop being stingy with my magic, and never ended up actually using the potion at all. XD
I haven't even met Aigis yet... The pictures of her do look pretty, though. *so shallow*
*flails hand around in the air* That was me who swears by the female storyline. xD
I would say that the female social links are pretty evenly divided in thirds between 1) exact same as the male, 2) same person as the male but different reactions/events, and 3) completely new. The main thing I love about it is that it allows you to get to know all of your teammates much better. Playing as a male, you don't really get to know the other guy characters that well, and the girls are really weird and awkward around you half the time. With the female MC, there's a lot better group synergy, and all the relationships feel a lot more natural. I think, out of all the changes in the s.links, there was only one that I preferred in the male version (Maya, the MMO chick). Plus, the female character gets more upbeat, more humorous responses to things.
Tartarus is...really boring. xD; I always play on low difficulty levels so I can breeze through it. Also, new game+ allows you to keep equipment, the persona compendium, and the MC's levels, so subsequent playthroughs become eeeeeasy. Technically, yeah, you should play the dude story first, to appreciate all the changes (one in particular) but you don't lose TOO much from starting with the female, I don't think.
I hope you like the game better than Vanja did, anyways. ^_^
Btw, if you romance Fuuka, be prepared for nasty food. xD
Glad you're enjoying Skyward Sword, too! Do the Silent Realms terrify you? Because they scare the bajeezus out of me. >_>
Aah. XD I can't wait to see, then. Augh, I can't decide if I like doing the Maya social link or not. On the one hand, MMO! On the other hand, DID I JUST SPEND AN ENTIRE DAY READING CHATSPEAK FOR ONE SOCIAL LINK RANK? ;_______________;
XD I'm playing on normal difficulty, I think. Didn't want to start out too hard, because I was new to this game, and didn't want to start out too easy, because... it's just an RPG, right? *coughs* I like the dealie with knocking things off their feet if you exploit weaknesses, but then I have to constantly go to the entrance to heal SP... And yeah, NG+ sounds really easy... XD
I'm curious to see everything in the game, at least! =D
...XD I was wondering why it took bravery of all things to romance Fuuka... >.>;;
lol, yeah, I understand. I never did get why they don't split Sunday into "morning" and "afternoon" and let you do two things that day. Though there are only a few s.links that are even available on Sundays, mostly it's dates and whatnot. Maya really amuses me, though, and her replacement in the female playthrough is a shrinking violet, doormat-type girl who mostly just irritates me. =/
I started recently replaying the male storyline (I have the PS2 version, as well, and wanted to see all the anime cutscenes and stuff again) and forgot exactly how much I disliked a lot of the Kenji. That dude is annoying. I'll take Junpei (female option) any day of the week. xD
Lol, I actually recently gave my NG+ file to my best friend, because she was getting bored in Tartarus and just wanted to see the story. (She was on the 4th floor on the easiest difficulty and had died twice. O_o How does that even happen?) xD And I allllways play Shin Megami Tensei games on Easy difficulty, because they're always way way harder and more unforgiving than other RPGs.
There's a lot to see! I've logged 200 hours into my game, finally managing to everything except beat the two hardest optional bosses. (There are like...ten hard optional bosses in the game, lol.)
*cliiiings* ;_; Lucky lucky! I just had to try least two times for all of them (two I had to do 5+ times ._.) and I yelled profanities at my screen the whoooole time. xD; The Sand Ship was one of my favorite dungeons, though, after the Ancient Cistern (<3). Do you like Fi? >_>
Yeah. You'd think you can do more things because you don't have school, but nooooope. Maya does amuse me too. I just wish she'd be more literate. *coughs* XD I still think she's actually a guy. (Actually, I thought it was Junpei at the very start, because he was the one who gave me the game, and Maya said not many people play anymore.)
XD Kenji amuses me, kinda. I keep thinking, WTF, man, someone reads too much manga...
Huh, how. XD; I'm doing okay. I mainly just make sure I have at least one persona of each element. I'm using my MP like a black mage, though. MOMMY WOULD BE PROUD.
Woah. That is a lot... What do they give you? Anything shiny? XD
*petpets* Aww. D: I did the first one on my first try, but was so shaky after I couldn't play for a bit. XD;; I had two tears left that I couldn't find when all my time ran out and I panicked and almost got hit. D: I thought wisdom would be something else, but it was the same thing, so I cried and cried and Eilia volunteered to help. XD
Ancient Cistern was fun! Except the scary scary underground... ;___________; I do like Fi! XD I heard you didn't?
Lol, you find out some things about Maya that make her even more hilarious by the end, even the illiteracy part. xD
He's just so clingy, lol. And one of the female-only s.links is a girl who's in love with him, so I find his cougar-chasing even less amusing than I did the first time, lol.
That's always a good strategy! As for the MP - there are two ways to play the game, really. One is the safe, slow way of using all your MP on spells to knock down the enemy but then needing to replenish your MP, and the other is the faster, more dangerous way of trying to physical attack everything and save your MP for healing spells. I tend to use the second way whenever possible, simply because I don't like making frequent trips back to the lobby. xD; I go full-out black mage for boss fights, though.
Lol, mine was only that many because I screwed up my third playthrough, and was one day short of maxing all my social links at once, so I had to do it a fourth time. xD; But yeah, if you max all your links in one playthrough, you can fuse Orpheus Telos, the ultimate persona.
That was really nice of her! And yeah, they just plain stress me out. Racing heart, shaking, the whole bit. I...don't do well with time trials. Or being chased. Or feeling helpless. And the creepiness of it all does not help.
The underground was scary, but I loved the duality of it! And the boss was neeeat.
Lol, no, I kinda hate Fi. xD; She annoys me with her constant 85% statistics. I do, however, LOVE Ghirahim. He's fabulous.
Aah. That sucks. D: (Who'd be in love with him? Yeesh. >.>;)
*nodnod* I usually do the second way once I'm slightly higher-leveled, but usually, when I start a new area, the enemies are so strong, if I don't exploit weakness every battle, I can easily wipe in one turn. x.x I think one thing I don't like is the crappy level curve... Baw. But ah well. Aside from being annoying always going back to entrance, using up MP isn't that bad, I guess. At the start, I was like, DDDDD: IT COSTS LIKE 1K TO HEAL, but how, it's really nothing.
Aah. He sounds interesting. I should do fusion more. ...Or, um, y'know, at all. >.>; But I don't even have enough time to level up the ones I get through shuffle... Baw. Any advice?
*nodnod* I was terrified! I felt like it was basically a horror-survivor game with a fantasy theme. I like fighting. And having time to rest. I don't like this constant running. ;_; But, it was weird. Eilia didn't even bother running. She actually... stood there looking around a lot. Said something about 90 seconds being plenty of time. Which is true, but not when you're as panicked as me... >.>;;
Yeah! The whole setup was really cool! The boss was scary. D: Well. I find the bosses in this game harder than the previous ones, in general. I did like picking up the giant swords, though. XD
I think she's cute... XD The stats thing reminds me of Presea from Tales of Symphonia. Ghirahim amuses me so much. Funniest villain yet. XD
It's a childhood friendship-turned-romantic sorta dealie.
Lol, I almost never pay to heal, I just run up as far as I can, and then once I'm out of MP, leave Tartarus and come back another day. xD *is stingy with her yen* But yeah, the level curve sucks. ~_~ SMT games, always so stupid hard...and Persona is their casual franchise, even!
Fusion is actually tons better than just using your shuffled cards, because if you have a social link associated with the arcana of the persona that you're wanting to fuse, you get bonus experience when it's created. Usually every two levels in an will get you one persona level. Let's take Jack Frost, for example. He has a base level of 8, which is what level he is if you get him in a shuffle. But if you fuse him, and your link with Kenji (the Magician is at rank 5, he'll get bonus exp and start at level 10, giving him an extra skill. Fused personas also inherit skills from their parents personas, AND there's a small chance that a fused persona will give you items once you learn all their skills. So I basically just use my shuffled cards as fusion ingredients to make stronger, more versatile fused personas that you can then level up if you choose.
Calm helps a LOT in the Silent Realms. *nodsnods* I'd always have to tell myself to chill out and look around, and then I'd do a lot better, lol. The main one that gave me trouble was Din's, because, well, lava + being chased? Bad combination. >_<
The bosses were really hard! 'Specially Ghirahim >_> His battles are a pain in the ass, because you have to be so precise with your swings, so he won't grab your sword and beat you with it, lol.
I like her design, and her dancing is pretty, I just miss Midna and her oodles of personality, I guess. xD And yeah, Ghirahim is like Kuja - perfect blend of crazy, evil, and fabulousness.
I kind of like sitting in there all day. XD I usually complete each section in one go, since I like going on days when 1-2 of my characters have a great condition, and I don't feel like waiting for that to happen. >.>;; Silly level curves are silly. Baw.
Ooh, sounds nice. But yeah, I know I should, but I'm all like, @_@ BUT WHAT DO I MAKE, WHAT DO I MAKE? Baaaaaaw. I keep meaning to look it up, but then I'm too lazy...
Yeah. ;_; Baaaaaaaw. I don't know how she manages to keep calm, but I'm glad she'd doing it for me. >.>;;;
*nods* I had so much trouble the first time. I think it took me some 10 minutes, and I was exhausted at the end. D: I did it for Eilia after, though, and... it was actually... kinda easy? But I can't kill those stupid electric bobokins. D:
Yeah, I miss Midna too. And actually, I liked Ciela too, I think. I even miss Navi, but not after she went ARE YOU TIRED YOU SHOULD STOP PLAYING. *shot* And yeah. XD Although not as pretty as Kuja.
*nodnod* Sand Ship is really scaring me. ;_; It's pretty safe right now, but all those beamos bases and skeletons lying around are making me wonder what's coming... D:
I was SO SCARED of the Zombie Bobolins! ;________;! The description was adorable, though. But I don't like things that don't die. I don't like being chased. I don't like having to run. Oh my gosh I freaked out so much during my trial of courage, I made Eilia do my trial of wisdom for me because I can't stand to just run. >.>;;;;; (Dead Hands scare me too. D: Well, they didn't in the Forest Temple, when I could pick them off from a distance, but Shadow Temple nearly killed me. But I'm slightly less scared of Redeads while adult, at least, because Sun's Song, and they die in two hits with Biggoron's Sword.)
*nods* I like finding out about characters most, more than the overarching story, so I'm liking it so far. The only thing I like about Tartarus is the treasure. XD I don't care what it is, if it's in a treasure chest, it needs to be mine. >.>; Have you tried the female story? Eilia said she wasn't sure if it was you or V, but she remembered one of you saying one of the genders was really bad, but the other one was better, but she couldn't remember which one?
I've heard lots of good things about P4! They haven't released a portable version of that one yet, though, have they?
They die if you use a fatal blow on them! And since I had a sacred shield, I just put it in front and they all avoided me anyway, haha.
Ah, by dead hand I mean this thing instead of the hands that grab you out of nowhere (although those drove me crazy when I was younger too ;-;) Readeads scared me to death when I first played it when I was like... 8 or 9? Now they don't really bother me, but I think that's thanks to MM and how you can get them to dance more than anything. XD
I haven't! I... didn't really like the original game enough to go through that again, since the story et all seems to be the same, you just have different - and as people keep on telling me "better" - romance options. I'm not really that big on the whole dating virtual characters thing anyway/don't like the party members of that game that much, so I don't really have any desire to try the female storyline. *shrugs*
They haven't, but one is coming out for the Vita sometime soon-ish!
They do? Die die? Properly die? I didn't know. o_o And yeah, I used a sacred shield too. XD
Oh, right, that one. Sorry, I was thinking floormasters. I was terrified of the well dead hand, but the Shadow Temple one wasn't too bad. Since it died in two hits. >.> Redeads still scare me as a child and before the Sun's Song. ;_; But not so much as an adult...
Aah, okay. I might try it later. The female story's dating options are a little more attractive than the male story's. >.>
Ooh, awesome. Dunno when I'm getting Vita, though, but I guess I can wait.
They do! Knock them down + fatal blow = POOF! Plus they drop dark crystals! After I updated all the items that needed them, I got like... 1700 rupees from selling all the dark crystals I had.
Despite everything, I've always loved the Shadow Temple. XD /is crazy. I think I liked it because it does have such atmosphere to it...
Have you gotten to the point where you can have a with Aigis? I started out thinking I'd go with Fuuka, but then Aigis ended up being the only romance option I actually liked the of, heh. (... which shouldn't even count, since... robot. ;-; The rank 10 scene for that was so very, very awkward)
Ooh. Sounds shiny. *_* Maybe I'll go... back there... eventually... ...after I stop being terrified... maybe...? ;_;
Baw. Shadow Temple was... ...actually, not nearly as scary as I feared. I brought a green potion with me, and convinced myself to stop being stingy with my magic, and never ended up actually using the potion at all. XD
I haven't even met Aigis yet... The pictures of her do look pretty, though. *so shallow*
I would say that the female social links are pretty evenly divided in thirds between 1) exact same as the male, 2) same person as the male but different reactions/events, and 3) completely new. The main thing I love about it is that it allows you to get to know all of your teammates much better. Playing as a male, you don't really get to know the other guy characters that well, and the girls are really weird and awkward around you half the time. With the female MC, there's a lot better group synergy, and all the relationships feel a lot more natural. I think, out of all the changes in the s.links, there was only one that I preferred in the male version (Maya, the MMO chick). Plus, the female character gets more upbeat, more humorous responses to things.
Tartarus is...really boring. xD; I always play on low difficulty levels so I can breeze through it. Also, new game+ allows you to keep equipment, the persona compendium, and the MC's levels, so subsequent playthroughs become eeeeeasy. Technically, yeah, you should play the dude story first, to appreciate all the changes (one in particular) but you don't lose TOO much from starting with the female, I don't think.
I hope you like the game better than Vanja did, anyways. ^_^
Btw, if you romance Fuuka, be prepared for nasty food. xD
Glad you're enjoying Skyward Sword, too! Do the Silent Realms terrify you? Because they scare the bajeezus out of me. >_>
XD I'm playing on normal difficulty, I think. Didn't want to start out too hard, because I was new to this game, and didn't want to start out too easy, because... it's just an RPG, right? *coughs* I like the dealie with knocking things off their feet if you exploit weaknesses, but then I have to constantly go to the entrance to heal SP... And yeah, NG+ sounds really easy... XD
I'm curious to see everything in the game, at least! =D
...XD I was wondering why it took bravery of all things to romance Fuuka... >.>;;
I started recently replaying the male storyline (I have the PS2 version, as well, and wanted to see all the anime cutscenes and stuff again) and forgot exactly how much I disliked a lot of the Kenji. That dude is annoying. I'll take Junpei (female option) any day of the week. xD
Lol, I actually recently gave my NG+ file to my best friend, because she was getting bored in Tartarus and just wanted to see the story. (She was on the 4th floor on the easiest difficulty and had died twice. O_o How does that even happen?) xD And I allllways play Shin Megami Tensei games on Easy difficulty, because they're always way way harder and more unforgiving than other RPGs.
There's a lot to see! I've logged 200 hours into my game, finally managing to everything except beat the two hardest optional bosses. (There are like...ten hard optional bosses in the game, lol.)
*cliiiings* ;_; Lucky lucky! I just had to try least two times for all of them (two I had to do 5+ times ._.) and I yelled profanities at my screen the whoooole time. xD; The Sand Ship was one of my favorite dungeons, though, after the Ancient Cistern (<3). Do you like Fi? >_>
XD Kenji amuses me, kinda. I keep thinking, WTF, man, someone reads too much manga...
Huh, how. XD; I'm doing okay. I mainly just make sure I have at least one persona of each element. I'm using my MP like a black mage, though. MOMMY WOULD BE PROUD.
Woah. That is a lot... What do they give you? Anything shiny? XD
*petpets* Aww. D: I did the first one on my first try, but was so shaky after I couldn't play for a bit. XD;; I had two tears left that I couldn't find when all my time ran out and I panicked and almost got hit. D: I thought wisdom would be something else, but it was the same thing, so I cried and cried and Eilia volunteered to help. XD
Ancient Cistern was fun! Except the scary scary underground... ;___________; I do like Fi! XD I heard you didn't?
He's just so clingy, lol. And one of the female-only s.links is a girl who's in love with him, so I find his cougar-chasing even less amusing than I did the first time, lol.
That's always a good strategy! As for the MP - there are two ways to play the game, really. One is the safe, slow way of using all your MP on spells to knock down the enemy but then needing to replenish your MP, and the other is the faster, more dangerous way of trying to physical attack everything and save your MP for healing spells. I tend to use the second way whenever possible, simply because I don't like making frequent trips back to the lobby. xD; I go full-out black mage for boss fights, though.
Lol, mine was only that many because I screwed up my third playthrough, and was one day short of maxing all my social links at once, so I had to do it a fourth time. xD; But yeah, if you max all your links in one playthrough, you can fuse Orpheus Telos, the ultimate persona.
That was really nice of her! And yeah, they just plain stress me out. Racing heart, shaking, the whole bit. I...don't do well with time trials. Or being chased. Or feeling helpless. And the creepiness of it all does not help.
The underground was scary, but I loved the duality of it! And the boss was neeeat.
Lol, no, I kinda hate Fi. xD; She annoys me with her constant 85% statistics. I do, however, LOVE Ghirahim. He's fabulous.
Aah. That sucks. D: (Who'd be in love with him? Yeesh. >.>;)
*nodnod* I usually do the second way once I'm slightly higher-leveled, but usually, when I start a new area, the enemies are so strong, if I don't exploit weakness every battle, I can easily wipe in one turn. x.x I think one thing I don't like is the crappy level curve... Baw. But ah well. Aside from being annoying always going back to entrance, using up MP isn't that bad, I guess. At the start, I was like, DDDDD: IT COSTS LIKE 1K TO HEAL, but how, it's really nothing.
Aah. He sounds interesting. I should do fusion more. ...Or, um, y'know, at all. >.>; But I don't even have enough time to level up the ones I get through shuffle... Baw. Any advice?
*nodnod* I was terrified! I felt like it was basically a horror-survivor game with a fantasy theme. I like fighting. And having time to rest. I don't like this constant running. ;_; But, it was weird. Eilia didn't even bother running. She actually... stood there looking around a lot. Said something about 90 seconds being plenty of time. Which is true, but not when you're as panicked as me... >.>;;
Yeah! The whole setup was really cool! The boss was scary. D: Well. I find the bosses in this game harder than the previous ones, in general. I did like picking up the giant swords, though. XD
I think she's cute... XD The stats thing reminds me of Presea from Tales of Symphonia. Ghirahim amuses me so much. Funniest villain yet. XD
It's a childhood friendship-turned-romantic sorta dealie.
Lol, I almost never pay to heal, I just run up as far as I can, and then once I'm out of MP, leave Tartarus and come back another day. xD *is stingy with her yen* But yeah, the level curve sucks. ~_~ SMT games, always so stupid hard...and Persona is their casual franchise, even!
Fusion is actually tons better than just using your shuffled cards, because if you have a social link associated with the arcana of the persona that you're wanting to fuse, you get bonus experience when it's created. Usually every two levels in an will get you one persona level. Let's take Jack Frost, for example. He has a base level of 8, which is what level he is if you get him in a shuffle. But if you fuse him, and your link with Kenji (the Magician is at rank 5, he'll get bonus exp and start at level 10, giving him an extra skill. Fused personas also inherit skills from their parents personas, AND there's a small chance that a fused persona will give you items once you learn all their skills. So I basically just use my shuffled cards as fusion ingredients to make stronger, more versatile fused personas that you can then level up if you choose.
Calm helps a LOT in the Silent Realms. *nodsnods* I'd always have to tell myself to chill out and look around, and then I'd do a lot better, lol. The main one that gave me trouble was Din's, because, well, lava + being chased? Bad combination. >_<
The bosses were really hard! 'Specially Ghirahim >_> His battles are a pain in the ass, because you have to be so precise with your swings, so he won't grab your sword and beat you with it, lol.
I like her design, and her dancing is pretty, I just miss Midna and her oodles of personality, I guess. xD And yeah, Ghirahim is like Kuja - perfect blend of crazy, evil, and fabulousness.
Aah. Poor girl... D:
I kind of like sitting in there all day. XD I usually complete each section in one go, since I like going on days when 1-2 of my characters have a great condition, and I don't feel like waiting for that to happen. >.>;; Silly level curves are silly. Baw.
Ooh, sounds nice. But yeah, I know I should, but I'm all like, @_@ BUT WHAT DO I MAKE, WHAT DO I MAKE? Baaaaaaw. I keep meaning to look it up, but then I'm too lazy...
Yeah. ;_; Baaaaaaaw. I don't know how she manages to keep calm, but I'm glad she'd doing it for me. >.>;;;
*nods* I had so much trouble the first time. I think it took me some 10 minutes, and I was exhausted at the end. D: I did it for Eilia after, though, and... it was actually... kinda easy? But I can't kill those stupid electric bobokins. D:
Yeah, I miss Midna too. And actually, I liked Ciela too, I think. I even miss Navi, but not after she went ARE YOU TIRED YOU SHOULD STOP PLAYING. *shot* And yeah. XD Although not as pretty as Kuja.
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