Like Barbie says, math class is tough!

Jul 28, 2009 22:43

Man, where has this last month gone?

Studying, mostly. I've been working my twelve-siders off to try to get decent grades over this summer laden with accelerated courses. As of next week, three of my classes will be DONE! I have two classes that go for several more weeks, and I think I will be a much more relaxed bean during that time.

My D&D game has been put on hold for a bit. Since I'm leaving for vacation to Washington with K next week, trying to get all my work done ahead of time and getting all of my studying done has been eating up the time I would normally use to do the majority of my work for my game. When I get back? Next week is Gen Con. Sooooooo.... Week after Gen Con, we resume gaming!

I'm really looking forward to meeting K's family and touring around Washington. Like most exciting things, I don't really feel the excitement until the event is nearly upon me. Woohoo!

So I got that beautiful Schwinn bike in a yard sale for $20, right? Put some new tires on it, it was riding great. Well, the wheel kept shifting on me. Turns out that one of the bolts on the rear wheel was a bit too rusty and stripped, so the wheel will shift with the slightest provocation, eventually unhooking the chain. Yar! I'm going to take it to the Kettering Bike Shop and see if it's reasonable to fix. Though I like the bike a lot, I don't want to put a ton of money into it. Seeing as how I've already spent almost $80 on the bike (purchase + tubes + tires), it is unlikely that I will want to fix this problem. Maybe I can trade it to the bike shop for some store credit toward a bike with actual shock absorbers.

Lessee... That was bad news, so... good news! My Business Information Systems instructor FINALLY graded my work. Urgh. Due to that missed assignment, I'd been sitting there staring at an F for WAY too long, considering I'd been handing in A-level material. Thankfully, she has graded my stuff, which has brought my grade up to a B. If I can keep my work up and do all the extra credit, I think I can still squeeze an A out of the course.

Bad news. One of the grants that had been sitting on my financial aid sheet for some time, with me wondering where, exactly, it was, has been cut from the budget by the state of Ohio. It wasn't a life-or-death thing, a bit over $800 each quarter, but definitely would have helped make ends meet. Ah well. That's why I have a cabinet full of ramen.

Good news! K got a story up on Escape Pod! It was a great reading(actually sounds almost exactly like the reading she did herself), but it's not her most marketable story, especially for the average Escape Pod fan. You can check it out there if you like. It's called Wonder Maul Doll. Warning: It is incredibly violent, flips accepted gender roles, and will NOT make you feel like a shiny, happy person. You have been warned.

More good news! I made some awesome spicy coconut pork chops tonight. They were REALLY good. I am a good cook. The end.

Good news! K's shipment of pods was three weeks overdue, so she called her insurance company. They said "Oh, well there's an in-network provider for that now." They didn't bother to call her or send her a letter, and when she inquired which provider that might be or how to contact them, they couldn't help her. She spent most of last week trying to get the information she needs to get the insulin delivery she needs to live. The good news is, it worked. She got her pods today. The hilarious news? The day AFTER she got everything worked out, they mailed out a letter telling her she needed to contact the new provider for her pods to work it out. AFTER she talked to them, AFTER there would be no way for her to get more pods before her last batch ran out. Ain't insurance grand? At least she's a warrior woman who knows how to get what she wants.

? news. K and I have been looking at houses to buy, since we'll be in Ohio for at least a few years. Our rent could be going toward something we own (and cost even less per month), right? But it DOES have to be within our budget. Well, we've looked at a few houses. K and I, we appreciate the character that comes with older houses, so we've been looking at some that fit that bill. This is the first house we looked at. Tons of potential, ridiculously cheap, but WAY too expensive in terms of our time and money to make it livable. We looked at a few others, none of which impressed, until we got to this one. This has all the right character, and not NEARLY as much work as the first house. There are a few problem areas, but we're not sure how much it will cost. We think we'll make an offer contingent upon inspection, and say no thanks if we'd have to put more into it than we should.

Good news: I've had a lot of mini-breakthroughs during economics class about products, store layouts, etc. Especially involving MiniMounts and how I'm going to set up the business. The more I think about it, the more I think that Chaotic Alignments might work in Dayton, despite the fact that it is not a well-off city. The evidence:

A) It already supports one good game store and a few crappy ones. An excellent game store should be a shoe-in.

B) It is the location of several universities AND Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Schools and military bases are great sources for gamers.

C) Especially because Dayton is pretty small as far as cities go, there is VERY LITTLE in the way of entertainment here. Good places to eat are scarce, even the local indie movie theater sucks. All the more reason to chuck some dice.

D) There are a lot of neighborhood/family-oriented organizations up here trying to preserve historic districts and supporting small business. Imagine if I could get into a cool-looking older building! First, it would make me very happy, but second, it would mean grassroots support, even from non-gamers. I have a weekly family board-game day and boom.

E) Local(ish) support in the form of friends and family. This can come very in handy.

So yeah. Maybe. It's a possibility.

insurance, minimount, chaotic alignments, school, houses

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