So I'm sure that there are moments in my life that I've felt more like throwing a temper tantrum, flailing my arms and stomping my feet, but I can't think of them right now.
Late last night, Will, whose house we use for the difficult-to-schedule, once-a-month game that I run, sends out an e-mail that says:
- Guy A can't make it.
- I have invited Guy B to take his place.
- Guy B is bringing Arkham Horror for us to play, and we should play this since Guy A can't come.
Now, to be fair to Will, he intersperses the e-mail with notes that D&D could probably maybe still happen. But it's obvious from the total stranger who he has invited who is bringing a boardgame that this will not occur, at least not in any comfortable way without character creation, general catchup, and, basically, shit I'm not prepared or wanting to deal with.
I'm a little annoyed. Will's the guy who invited the LAST guy into the group without talking to anyone, and I thought we'd come to the understanding that it was a closed group. I... blah. I'm just fed up. I could have made plans with my girlfriend for tonight.
So there's my little rant. The end.