[Private: Stantons/Joe Wadcock/Sam Frobisher]
I suppose you may have noticed we aren't home. We're in the British Virgin Islands. It would be great if we kept this quiet, all right, so just the lot of us?
Jo, your birthday present and your cake are in the house on the kitchen table. Pick them up at your leisure. Yes, I made you a cake, don't make a fuss.
We'll be home next week. If you need me, I'll be checking my journal, no owls, all right?
Today's arithmantic forecast is a solitary two from a twenty-nine. This indicates several contradictions and many complications. A nine shows completion while a two shows separation, and a solitary two is a combination of singular forces into duality -- altogether I'm not sure what it indicates in particular, but it'll become clear enough tomorrow. It always does.
I suggest people consider leaving any adventure or plans for tomorrow. Tomorrow is a natural three, solid and simple and completely lacking in complexity. Choose your days wisely, I always do.
Not much to say, it's a holiday and so we're celebrating, I hope everyone else will as well.