Yay for being back on a stable connection! Boo for being sick! I have this cold/cough thing that is really very annoying. I wish it would go away and leave me alone so I could feel awesome.
I am so very proud cause I finished my
merlinicons100 claim (Colin Morgan)! See the pretty over on my graphics journal
Sadness cause I ended up not being able to go to the Cobra Starship concert Friday. sad!panda :( My ass is so broke, guys, so so broke. Interview next saturday, so hopefully that will be fixed in time for Warped this July. But my friend and I did go to Band Night at our old high school. She sang with my bestie's little brother's band, and it was pretty fun. One of the bands was actually really good! They actually have like a myspace:
http://www.myspace.com/ohcassandraband. It's pretty cool, but weird cause half the band is friend's younger brothers, lol.
In other news, thank god for the
reel_merlin draft due date being postponed! Have ~1000 words of Woodstock fic!!! And, the power went out for 9 hours Saturday (snow in May, what the hell upstate NY?!) and I started my FBI!AU fic for
whizzbangpop. It is accordingly very eerie. I love it! Pirate!AU for
paperlegends continues to make me giggle like a little girl. Other things go...realised I should probably start my art for
bandombigbang, since the check in is, uh, in 5 days...yeah.
I finally got stamps, so postcard recipients, they are coming soon to a mailbox near you!
And FYI, I'm changing the layout here soonish, so if you happen to be loading my journal and it's messed up, the change is most likely in progress. Very excited for it - I've been working on my custom sidebars (LJ) and headers (DW) for months now :D