Because I'm crazy...

Mar 01, 2010 20:39

This is completely random (and possibly ill-advised), but:

I'm thinking of making a merlin/arthur animated mood theme. I have the one wikked_angel_78 made right now, but that's only S1, and I know she's closed it for downloading.  So I guess I'm wondering if there'd be any interest?  I'm half-considering making it purely for my personal use, but it is very time consuming, so it'd be nice if it got a bit more use. What do you think?

In other news:
Signed up for reel_merlin  today! I snagged Taking Woodstock, which I wanted so very badly, so I am super excited!

spy_fest  is coming together well.  annephoenix has been an absolute star co-modding.  ILU bb!  We have several submissions, and quite a few just-need-to-be-beta'd fics.  Now if I could just get to writing my fic...

Still working on my fic for dk323 - I have been a bit crap at getting it done quickly, but it moves along slowly but surely.  Future!Merlin and Arthur are having some good times *nods*

Also still working on those requested drabbles - I just need to type them up really!

And I'm doing merlin20in20 again - for Arthur (Bradley) & merlinicons100 for Colin Morgan. I'm really quite pleased with how some of my recent icons have been turning out.  I feel I'm improving ^_^

AND OMG TEAM MOTHERFUCKING MERLIN WON ROUND THREE AT merlin_land. We are just too awesome :p

merlin, projects, fandom

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