(no subject)

Feb 13, 2010 08:39

So...apparently Blogger is discontinuing their FTP publishing, and basically forcing their own hosting for their blogs. And no. I do not want to go back to that. I like my domain, I like my blog on my domain, I was very happy when I no longer had to use blogspot, and I do not want to do that again. I could technically meld it with my LJ, which would be mind-numbing and time-consuming, and frankly, I like them being separate. Something in me just throws up a giant brick wall of "NO" when I consider it, so...yeah. (Oh, god. There's also my site-update blogs. I totally forgot about those. RZXBDHSGDXGSAGEDEH. DAMMIT, BLOGGER.)

Anyway, I'm exercising the Google-fu and have a couple of candidates, but if anyone has a recommendation for Blogger-type, idiot-friendly alternative to Blogger, it would be appreciated.

grr argh, help me obi-wan kenobi

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