(no subject)

Nov 07, 2008 03:39

I've kind of been avoiding LJ lately. "Lately" being actually since about mid-summer. No real reason for it, just a vague feeling of "don't want to deal with it." Once or twice a week I look at cleolinda for laughs and linkspam, and then I promptly flutter back into the void. Not sure how much longer it'll keep up, so if y'all have something you'd like to share or appraise me of, feel free to comment, otherwise just consider yourself hugged.

I spent the afternoon at a cemetery looking for a few specific headstones. It was quiet and pleasant and the military section, where we were, had trees on three sides, so there was a nice breeze going. I found a couple stones so covered with insects that it took a minute for my brain to register the shifting as insects. It was so...bleayurgh. My scalp feels buggy just thinking about it.

To make up for sharing that with you, I will now share two of my favorite pictures of my little niece:

V with my mom and my brother. There is actually a picture somewhere of me doing that to my bestest, so...yeah, its genetic.

I have no idea what she was eating, but apparently it was REALLY GOOD.

I know, she's adorable. And you're smiling, right? Yeah. You're welcome.

catherine the aunt, i am an lj ghost

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