Dear Chocolatier Letter

Jan 04, 2018 13:49

HELLO! I assume that you are reading this is because you are interested in the fandoms I asked for Chocolate Box Gift Exchange: Round 3. Let me compliment your excellent taste!

Since I love exchanges, I made My List to help you know me better and, maybe, to help you find inspiration. Please, feel free to disregard if that's not helpful. As a general rule, I'm really most interested in the canonverse, so I'd appreciate a story about that rather than a crossover or AU. Also, I'm a terribly slow reader, please don't write me long fic. Few things squick me so, as long as you avoid gore, scat, and non-con you are on the right track

That being said, let me assure you that I'm already over the moon because you have chosen one of these fandoms to write. Let me tell you what I love about these pairs:

Daredevil (TV)
Wilson Fisk/James Wesley (Daredevil (TV))

(I'll never forgive this show for giving me those two and taking them from my hands!) Ejem... I loved Season 1 with all my broken heart. These two, either planing crime or wooing a lady Vanessa, I'll love them to the end of my days.
  • Tell me about their beginnings before the show, how do they meet or what brought them together.
  • Feel free to write me a bit of suit porn, because I have a sweet spot for men with smart sartorial choices.
  • Give me more Wesley helping Fisk to win his lady.
  • Let me grief a bit more about Fisk's life without Weasley.
  • Do you like an Outsider perspective? Let me know what Vanessa think of their relationship.
The Borgias (Showtime TV)
Cesare Borgia/Micheletto Corella (The Borgias (Showtime TV))

So many water under the bridge and I still love these two. In one hand, these two bring the worst of the other out; In the other, their relationship work in so many levels to me. Run wild with it!
  • Let me see Cesare corrupting Micheletto with a taste of papal splendor.
  • Let me see Micheletto teaching his master how brutal the love business is in the streets of Rome
  • Give me a bit of hurt/comfort with Micheletto in the hurting part.
  • Let me see Cesare jealous if he knows Micheletto is getting his pleasure somewhere else
  • I'm not adverse to get a fic about Micheletto's unrequited love.
Little Women (1994)
Friedrich Bhaer/Josephine March (Little Women 1994)

I completely believe Fritz Bhaer was the best match for our Jo. They have the tender, uneventful marriage that could never be boring. They share too much in the intellectual department to get bored with each other.
  • Give me a quiet afternoon of philosophical debate.
  • Let me know how Jo broke the news of their first child to Fritz.
  • Tell me what could pass for a big romantic gesture between them.
  • Since we are here, how do they find time for romance in a house full of kids?
  • I believe Jo and Fritz are the ones who believe Love is Action rather than words. Please, show me how they love each other without words.
I hope you find something to help you write a little fic for me. I know writing is a hard labor and I want you to know I really appreciate your efforts. I'm already grateful to be your recipient and I can assure you a lot of squee to whatever you want to write!

Wishing you the best,

exchanges, dear author, chocolate box

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