death, and taxes.

Feb 06, 2009 12:04

The two things that we know are always certainties.

Today I received my federal returns in my bank account, An it came not a moment to soon. It's help take a good chunk of what I owe down.

But in other news, I'm still working and all... even though yesterday, A virus hit me like a ton of bricks.

Nearly crippled me @ work because I was feeling fatigue and nausea both at the same time.

this on the day we get our food delivery... So I tried my damndest to get things put away, but it just wasn't working out.

So I call my co-worker to do the lifting into the freezer for me and I take over his station @ breads and meats. even though I was feeling sluggish and nearly dead... I tried my hardest to prepair the food as quickly as I could. while still trying to keep my coughs at bay, i can't afford any time off work..

But when I did go into a coughing fit, I made sure to was h my hands and replace my gloves too.

Things got so bad, that I knew I couldn't walk home, So I called one of my room mates to ask him if he'd get me so I could cash my paycheck, Gave him $5 for gas and the sandwich that I normally would make for myself @ the end of my shift, It was that bad I felt like I wasn't going to be able to eat anything. I was nearly in tears while I was on the phone with him.

But when I finally get home, one of my other room mates mike, game me some generic Nyquill which really helped my fever and everything.

Until it wore off, @ about 3 am,

I start to feel the same chill and heat, so I walk into our bathroom, and run a tub full of luke warm water.
Even when it drained out, I started more water @ higher tempratures, i didn't want to leave the bathtub because I knew as soon as I did, The cold air from the outside and in our house would immediatly take effect and lower my temprature again

But here it is the day after... things aren't as bad, but I'm still feeling ti's effects, so I go to buy halls and Ricolas again to take my cough


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