(no subject)

Nov 08, 2010 11:32

продолжение всяких полезных и достаточно редких солюшенов для мангастудио.

-what width do you use for panels at 1200 dpi? Right now, I'm at 0.3 but I'm afraid if it might come out too thin.
-I'm using 0.7mm on 1.5x size paper. I think when it shrink down to standard size, it should be around 0.5mm.

- I'm drawing at Tokyopop's standard size at 1200dpi and when I draw a full body shot and want to tone the face, the dots are actually visible when you zoom out at 25%. I used 85L 10%. I know printed manga's dots are so small you can't see the dots.
-Most of the time I will use 85L on characters, no matter on skin or clothings. But for some special shadow effect, I will use pretty big dotted for it...like 25 to 32.5L

I need to explain some basic of how grayscale/shadow work in real life.
Let's said everything is scale from 0% to 100%, 0=white. 100=black. Everything fall in between is gray.
So let said you have a character, who is a bit tan in the skin color, as in 15% gray. If you want to make a shadow on his body, then you need anything is darker than 15%. In theory, if you want add 10% of gray for shadow, that will be 15%+10%=25%. But in real life, normal human eyes can't easy tell the different of 15% and 25% gray. We all like contrast. So a better way is to push it to darker shade so our eyes can easily tell the different. 15% of skin with 40% shadow gray look pretty nice.
And it also how tone works. When overlapping tones it means the dots is overlapping each others. 15% tone dots is bigger than the 10% tone dots....Since the 15% tone dots is cover the 10% one, so you only see the 15% tone dots when it print out.

If you only need to print out the page, or export it to 1x, you don't need to re-tone, or do my copy and paste method.
You can shrink the page when you export or print the 1.5x page to 1X.
-keep the resolution dpi same as your original file.
-in pixel ratio to original, put 67%
Then MS will automatically shrink the file for you and it won't cuz moire pattern, and it will change the tone as how they did in most Japanese manga. (the dot size will be smaller.)

-Can you give me an idea on how to print my manga properly for presentation with the tones all nice and like real manga? I need to print it out on B4 paper, in black ink, in a 270mm x 180 mm frame. Do I go to a printing shop, use photoshop to print, etc?
-For the print out, I recommend you export it as PSD file. Assume your drawing file is B4, same as the size for your print out.
Resolution 1200 dpi
Pixel Ratio to Original 100%
include Bleed
Monochrome mode
click output text and output tone.
You need to ask the print shop if they can open PSD file first, most them can, if not, you should try export it as TIFF file with the same setting as above.

ну, и полезное от Алеф, неабстрактного человека, который уже имеет опыт:

(про перышки и дпи)
размер страницы от а5 до а4. Разрешение 600-1200дпи. Рисую G pen (0,70 - 1,0 толщина) и maru (0,70, делаю тонкие линии). Надо ещё учесть чувствительность самого планшета. Он у меня плохой. Так что толщину надо подберать самому.

studiing, environment, мозготряс, заначка, crosspost, memo

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