Please, find me....

Nov 13, 2011 09:11

Title: Please find me
Rating: PG13 probably lol
Pairing: HaeHyuk ♥
Summary: it's cold, and he need helps ASAP..
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡

"Cold... It's cold.. Hae hyung..." He said it inside his heart.

The boy was lying in the ground looking hopeless and lifeless with closed eyes, trembling body and only sound from his chattering teeth could be heard. He tried to open his eyes, and moved his body but an extreme pain all over his body not allowed him to do so. He couldn't feel his left foot anymore, he know that it was badly injured.

He cried silently, tears could be seen streaming down from his face. He tried his best to curl him self together, trying to get his body warmer but it was no used, the snow keep falling to his body.

"H-h-hae..hy..ung" he call his name as another tears falling down from his closed eyes. Inside his heart, he was hoping that, that person will come and rescued him.

☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★

Donghae tried to drive as fast as he could, he feel uneasy. His lover was gone together with his forced to be fiancee. He was worried about both of them, but he was worried about his lover more, because he know that his lover was easily getting sick with this kind of weather.

"Hyukkie.. Where are you.." He asked as he tried to keep focus.

'Hae hyung..' A weak and helpless voice suddenly ring in his head..

Donghae could feel a small thud in his heart after he heard that voice. He know it.. He know that his lover is in danger right now, and something bad had just happen to him.

He reached his phone at the passenger seat, and dial someone number..

"Kyu, called Yunho hyung to help us to find them, and also called an ambulance.. I have a bad feeling about this.." After he said that, he tab the red button and continue to drive with worried feeling was covering all over him.

"Hyukkie.. Please be okay..I will find you.. I promise" He said, promising silently to his lover.

What in the world that I write it ? ._.
Suddenly feel to write something angst..

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