After hiatusing for 2 days...

Jul 02, 2010 15:28

 huaaaa my LJ!!! I relly wanna babbling with you!!!
well this is my second day at SG!!
the first day was not really exciting well since my mom and my gramp had to go
for a check up I have to wait them till they done.. and it took a VEEERYYY LONG TIME 
TT... I have nothing but my phone and ipad to keep me entertain....
I do go for a shop yesterday but believe me -___- I can't get the things that I want 
since the product of the brand is still the same since last time I go here...

And as for today..
well ya.. accompany my mom and gramps again at the hospital
(*making me even crazy because I just sit there and nothing to do) 
eventhough I bought my ipad with me it's nor compfortable for me to 
use it -____- dont know why either...
then after hospital going to eat at takashimaya

they held a food festival there and wkwkwkwk
today is the first time I ate ddeok bok gi XDDD wkkwkwkw
eventhough the taste is a bit strange (*and too spicy )
I like it hahaha..
and I eat some fish ball too
and korean mix rice too
wkwkwkw well I really wanted to eat korean food so I did I bought it
and eat it haahhaha
(*but I didn;t end it up all coz I was full already TT)
now I want to go to the center point
I really wanted to search SJ 4jib here but I can't find it -_____-""
since I always stick with my famzzz
hufff but I was hoping to find Boys In city 3 more
coz it's expensive in Indo huffff

Really hope to find it TT
I want to read some fic but my grammar is still bad TT
really wanted to search someone who wanted to be my beta TT

my journal

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