My visa didn't come out?

Jun 29, 2010 00:03

I was supposed to got to perth next week (*after singapore of couse)
and I got news from my dad that my Australia Visa and my lil bro one too
can't come out ! it's so WHAT? ARE YOU KIDDING???

I though it was just a joke my dad used to make
but it's real and it's sucks!
I really wanted to go to perth!!
I want to see the university that I (*maybe) will attend TT
OMG!! i really want to see snow too!!!
it's winter there TT

I asked my dad the reason why the visa couln;t come out
and the reasin si because there aren't Mother's letter for visa permission
My jaw open after I read that reason
I mean what in the WORLD?!
we apply the whole family for the visa and that include my mom too
and why do we have to give another permission letter

stress thinking bout it TT
I really hope I could go to australia TT
I really want to see perth
my mom and dad with my big bro had been there twice
and they left me that time TT (* that time I was 3 month old -___-)

now I really wanted to see perth BADLY TT
OMG!!! visa please come out!!!!!

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