yaho~~!! hello everyone. so...i made a vlog for the first time ^^; it's because i started up a blogspot with
rorychan a while back, but we were both busy and the blog never came to life haha, so i decided to finally take some time to do something different to put on our blog. it's gonna be a blog that focuses on Johnny's Jrs, so do go check it out, although there's barely anything on there right now ^^; but do visit us here:
http://jr-paradise.blogspot.com/ we're still trying to figure out what we want to do on there, so do give suggestions if you have any. maybe shows/performance reviews? or you guys can request Jrs for us to feature? i don't know haha. but here's my first vlog anyway, and i talked about my top 3 Jrs, Kishi-kun, Shizuya, and Mizuki :3 it's my first time making a video, so please forgive how amateur it is and how awkward i am ^^; and the audio is kind of low, so you might wanna turn up your volume to hear what i'm saying. not sure if i'll continue to do this haha, but it did get kind of fun after i started to talk for a few minutes, although it took me like an hour to finally must up courage to start talking to the camera xD thanks for watching~!
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