49 ep. 3

Oct 20, 2013 13:53

okay, i have been too busy to write down my thoughts on 49 lol, but i love it!! it's probably my favorite one so far of all the late-night dramas in this time slot. the story is different from the rest in that it's not yankee delinquent boys xD though Piece would have been good if they actually slowed down the story instead, but anyway, back to 49. there might be spoilers, so don't read if you don't wanna ruin the story for yourself.

so anyway, jfdljfsja;f Tera!! omg, i freaking love it whenever he speaks lol. his voice, just ugh, me and my voice fetish lol. i love his voice. but seriously, that guy is a great actor! for his first drama, i think he's awesome. and i loved how he called Mana a Do-S lol, cuz i was just thinking, "That's you!! You're the Do-S!!" xDD but his character doesn't seem like a bad guy haha. i don't understand why he likes Mana so much though, she's just a snobby rich girl >.> she's pretty, but i don't think the girl who plays her character is actually that good of an actress...

Maika-chan, on the other hand, i really like her. she's the girl who plays Sachi, Dan's (Shori's) classmate. i think she's really cute. she was in Kasuka na Kanojo and Kamen Teacher. i knew she looked familiar to me when i saw her in Kamen Teacher, but then it didn't click because she played the evil girl in Kasuka na Kanojo xD she's a really good actress, and i really like her. that scene when Yasui-kun placed his arm over her shoulder, i was just like ajfld;jfda;!!! but that scene was awesome, basketball club is taking her in as their manager because of Dan's request to do so if they wanted him to join their team.

i seriously wonder what will happen when Dan returns to his own body, cuz he's a totally different character from his father. can't wait for next episode though!! ahhh, a host club!! and they're all gonna dress up in those SNSD-ish costumes on the poster!! annndd they're wearing short shorts and knee high socks! xD gosh they got nicer legs than me lol, so jealous. i can't wait to see what happens, cuz that host appears to be the one that's responsible for Dan's sister's pregnancy.

i'm waiting for a raw right now so i can start timing the subs for this episode~~

sexy zone: sato shori, johnny's jr., dramas/movies

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