Sep 01, 2013 19:26
omg, i'm soooo excited for next season's late night Saturday drama on NTV!! it's going to be called 49. i'm not sure what kind of story it is yet, but i'm excited not only because i absolutely love and adore Shori, but also because of the Jr cast that will be appearing in it!! Yasui-kun, Aran, Jin-chan, Shimekake-kun, Amu, Fuu, and Myuto are going to be in it!!! fjafjads;j i'm sooooo excited for Aran, Amu, and Fuu because it will be their first ever drama appearance!! i've been missing Aran lately, and i've been sad because Fuu has been moved towards the back in dance formations, but now the two of them are gonna be in a drama!! i've been seeing Amu around though haha. but i'm still excited to see what kind of characters they play and i'm excited to see how well they can act, as well as see how they can grow as actors through their first drama :3 so excited!!
a bit sad that Kamen Teacher will be ending soon, but this new drama's cast has got me excited for the next late night drama xD fjs;fjdlsfkj i just can't wait!!
sexy zone: sato shori,
johnny's jr.,