Jun 07, 2012 12:39
wow, i wish they would have more collaborations like this haha, because i got surprised that Shori joined Yuto during the opening of Ultra Power today xDD i thought it was someone from BEST at first when Yuto said there's someone who doesn't know "konbannu" in the studio with him haha. Shori's so cute! xD
also, i just finished watching Orthros no Inu and it was just such a great story!! yappari Tackey and Ryo are just really good actors. and also, i've found Tackey attractive before, but i found him to be super kakkoii in this drama haha. anyway, i really loved it because it was just full of suspense, not in the way of trying to figure out who are the bad guys, but it's just that you couldn't predict at all what was going to happen next and it just really sucked me in. i didn't understand Ryuzaki as a character at first, but as the story went on, he became my favorite character. all i have to say is that it was good xD nice job Ryo-kun and Tackey!
P.S. i'll be picking up my copy of JUMP World on my way to volunteering today so i'll be fangirling over the album later on tonight probably xD
sexy zone: sato shori,
hsj: nakajima yuto