I'm a new twitterer!

Aug 09, 2009 22:34

Thanks to Joyce, I was convinced to get a new Twitter account. Right now I am following a few artists' tweets! Rob Thomas, Taylor Swift, just to name a few. I haven't  really thought about who to follow on Twitter yet. I'll think slowly and add people along the way. Joyce says I am her first friend to have Twitter! I am so up-to-date, right! ^^ I bet if you ask you-know-who-the-bitch *coughAmycough* she wouldn't even know what's a Twitter let alone have one. (just for laughs, I don't hate her THAT much. But just for getting back at her for saying that I think I'm so cool and all that. Well I do know more things than her. At least my grammar is better.)

Anyways, tonight is so boring. I should be out celebrating my last day of the holiday, doing anything else but sitting at home in front of the computer. But I know what to do already, I'll watch a movie, the one that I was so excited to get from Annie and haven't gotten around to watching - Flags of Our Fathers.

I know you are wondering what kinda movie is it. It's a war movie okay. Gotten quite good reviews I think. But I will never be able to convince anyone to watch a war movie with me unless it involves hot guys or big shot actors acting in it, so I shall watch it alone. Pretty sad you might think but I'm okay with that.

By the way tomorrow is Weiliang's birthday. And we are gonna celebrate with him of course. But we are gonna have night class at that time which starts at 6.30pm till 8.30pm. So what I am gonna do is:
  1. Go to the lecture as usual.
  2. Sit there and wait patiently for the attendance list to come over to my seat / try to get people to hurry up signing it so I can get to it asap.
  3. Sign my attendance + the attendance of those who don't go to class cause they're going to the party.
  4. Sign up for the tute class I want + help other people sign up too.
  5. Pretend to listen intently to the lecturer while waiting for the perfect timing.
  6. Take a toilet break. (cabut lari)
  7. Go to party, and hope that the lecturer doesn't do a head count of the people that come to class to compare with his attendance list. Or worse, call out names to confirm.
How's that? Does it sound like a foolproof plan or what? Unless the lecturer's a real pain, and takes attendance by calling out names or something. That will be really ngiau chee of him. But I don't think so since there's 4 tute classes open for registration, there should be many students taking Management 1, hence too many to call out one by one.

Okay, am gonna go and watch that movie now.
Oh shit. I just realized that I have night classes on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday instead of Monday and Tuesday only which I initially thought. Bummer. =.=


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