Ten days ago, I was in town for a guided walk around London's Inns of Court, where barristers, the original bigwigs, do their stuff. Early on we passed a favourite restaurant that I've never been to, Pu's Kitchen - now Pu's Brasserie. Nearby were some bags of rubbish, and among them a Christmas tree. A bystander remarked on it being a case of bah-humbug. I had my heart set on another
London Walk, this morning, until I realised that public transport today would be non-existent.
I've no particular humbuggery toward December the 25th any more, but so often it is a non-day for me. There's no kind of atmosphere, it's cold outside, I'm more or less alone. I wonder if my nephews would like Red Dwarf...
Of course I wish the Yule celebrants among you a Happy Christmas - one-horse open bandwagon that it is, you'd know think there was something wrong with me if I didn't - but no more than I'd wish friends well on any other day of the year. The high drawn-out pressure to make something out of a day that doesn't necessarily lend itself to it can be counter-productive, but if you do have something worth doing today, I hope you enjoy it and stay safe.