This week is too long

Mar 02, 2005 21:03

Wow, I have been so freakin' busy this week. And besides school and college and my future and this summer's plans and this month's plans, I've been worrying a lot about other stuff too. Remember, my life is a soap opera. My sister's first love is dying in a hospital bed right now. Yeah, more drama needed, please. I think I need to change the channel, this soap opera sucks.

Um... I'm improving at guitar, Will says I'm getting better than him. Yay! My brother is annoyed with my constant practicing, but too bad for him. My dad says he needs to get me my own guitar, that's happy. A guitar and a car? I love him so much right now. ^.^ Hmm, I need my car...

Opening night is a week from tomorrow. I'm so excited. We're looking really good, just have a few problem spots to work on. This is going to be my first big musical performance, I can't wait. Lot of firsts this year, huh? (Lyzzie, Weebl! LOL) I'm gonna get to come out into the audience 3 times, w00tness! Everybody go see the musical, we rock.

Rachel called a Writer's Paradise meeting for this Friday. I wrote a pretty new poem, "Just Something Different About You." It's my first really good 100% from-the-heart piece I've written in a long time. I get to read it cuz I'm speshul like that, go me. Pefy should read her song. Yeah, the one that's stuck in my head. Not that any song I like is ever NOT stuck in my head, but yeah.

Night everyone.
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