Feb 26, 2005 20:17
Rehearsal yesterday was a LOT better than it was last week (which wasn't so hard to do, but oh well). Becky showed up with her six different instruments and Ms. Sagi recovered from her battle with the choir plague, so we had most of our cues and our fearless leader on our side this time. I was still pretty sick, but so were many of the other people there. The chorus sang most of their parts, the leads took more cues (though they still need to work on that a little more) and stayed on tempo for the most part (THANK YOU Ms. Sagi!), and everybody was just all-around better. Even though we were sick. Yes. Needs work, but I really think we can do this. And I know I've said this so many times already, but I just really love everybody who I'm working with. The people are very entertaining and amusing, of course, but there are also a lot of really friendly people who I've never really had a chance to get to know before this. (Olivia, if you see this, you rock!) I just hope I don't get overexcited and overexert myself next week too, because I'll end up making myself sick again if I try too hard before the big performances. But yes, I'm excited.
After rehearsal, Logan gave me a ride to Will's. I had to fight John for the front seat, but I won. Muahaha. I brought my (well, my mom's) guitar, Will had his guitar, and we spent a long time jammin' and hanging out and it was speshul. Then Tylor came home and the guys went and did their yard work with Debbie, so I migrated outside with the guitar (haha, I'm a wandering minstrel) and played stuff for them out there. I think I am addicted to guitar now, I keep THINKING about it and I hardly go an hour without picking it up. I know, I'm a music freak, it's pretty obvious.
Well Friday was cool, but a lot of the people I wanted to spend the weekend with are unavailable, so that kind of sucks. (Damn the 48-hour plan!) Today my mum and I had an optometrist checkup and we had to get our eye dilated. It was so weird, I saw neon spots floating around in front of my face! I drove us home because she wasn't feeling well, but it felt really weird with the eyes and all... I couldn't go outside today without sunglasses and even the indoor lights seemed to bright. Even the light from the computer screen right now is kinda painful, which it shouldn't be because this was supposed to wear off four hours ago... But anyway, besides the optometrist and lunch with the grandparents, we didn't really get out of the house today. And tomorrow isn't looking so good either. Tamar invited me to go to Planet Granite with her Jewish youth group, but I can't go if I'm not feeling un-sick. Chalk dust and allergies/colds just don't mix. I hope I can go though, it'd be fun. Yeah, I should get off the computer now, if I'm going out tomorrow then that means I have to finish my homework tonight.
Later, people.