
Feb 08, 2005 21:07

I dunno, it's been kinda boring so far this week. Last night I was all confused about stuff. Just now I talked to someone, and now I'm confused about other stuff. Life is always so confusing. Oh well, I can live with that.

So I sang my song for my dad, since he's not coming to Dessert Theater. Will says that Zafia is coming, yaaay. I'm hella nervous, I'm not used to singing by myself in front of so many people. But I've also got so many people coming to support me, and I know lots of people are gonna be hugging me afterwards. w00t.

I was all musical-happy today. At rehearsal I got into one of those I-love-the-world-and-everything-around-me moods (sickening, isn't it?), only it only applied to the musical. Cuz I love the musical. Yes I do. I know we only have a month and we're not anywhere near ready yet, but I still think this is gonna be wonderful. I need to be in the musical next year, this is too fun to do only once.

I got to drive Sam to allergy shots again today, then we went out for dinner afterwards, just the two of us. It was nice hanging out with him like that, usually we don't have real bonding time. He's a great kid. He was even cool when I hit the curb while driving too fast on the way home. That was kinda freaky, I really need to be more careful. I learned my lesson, I'll be good. 0:-)

I am so deprived right now. Lyzzie, don't look at me like that. *glare*
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