It can't always be rosy....

Oct 25, 2009 16:23

Have I mentioned how much I enjoy working at Subway this time around?  I love it.  I think it's mostly due to the fact that I'm not depending on it for my survival, but it's giving me a means to save up some money for later...and to pay my credit card bills!  Anyway; almost everyone I've worked with there is wonderful.  There were a couple college students over the summer that I couldn't stand, but nothing too bad.  However, by the time I finished up today I was ready to pull my hair out.

They hired this new lady there about a month ago.  All she does is complain about one thing or another, and if you try to correct her, all she does is give you lip.  Now, I don't mean the nasty, biting, total asshole kind of lip, but the kind of lip I get from my middle schoolers: sarcastic, subtle, disrespectful, childish lip.  She's 50.  Personally, I don't care how old you are; if someone's trying to help you, either accept it or say "no thank you".  If someone is correcting you (and I always do this very respectfully, especially since they don't have the best communication over there due to a lack of manager for two weeks), say thank you and move on, even if you didn't need/appreciate it.  If there's one thing I can't stand; it's condescending people who can't manage to do their job.  And I HATE being spoken down to just because I'm younger than someone.  I don't care if you've been on the planet twice as long as I have; I've been doing this job a lot longer than you...I think I might know what's going on.

GOD am I riled.
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