Here's to 8 years of awesomeness, intellectualism, and FUNDING FOR THE SCIENCES, BABY. I look forward to watching Sarah Palin's talk show while swilling elitist lattes with my east coast liberal friends.
Virginia, you are my favourite state and I love you SO MUCH right now.
And did you see how all the southern states were "too close to call" for a while? OMG South, are you being infected with blue-state-itis? Texas was REALLY close for a while, and Dallas County?
Went for Obama, while Tarrant County went for McCain, thus proving what I've always tried to tell people, which is that Dallas is the east coast, and the west starts in Fort Worth. OMG Texas, I'm proud of you, too!
Also, Florida? You are off notice and if you keep this up I will stop praying for you to be destroyed by hurricanes. <3