I Read It on a Mayan Wall, So It Must Be True

Sep 08, 2007 01:49

When did District Attorney Arthur Branch become a real person who was running for president? Like, of the United States, even. You know how fen laugh about "when fandoms collide"? It's like that, only with added brutal violation of the fourth wall and political sprinkles on top. Combined with the latest Doctor Who production schedules, I'm pretty sure reality as we know it is gearing up for a major catastrophe.

Personally, I would never vote for Arthur Branch for anything because Arthur Branch is a jackass. Adam Schiff, on the other hand, can tick my box any day.

And according to Wikipedia, Jack is getting promoted to DA. Which kind of sucks, because the DA does nothing except sit in a chair and hand out alcohol. IT'S ALL BRANCH'S FAULT. 2012. I BLAME HIM.
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