Jul 10, 2007 21:09
Dear LiveJournal,
Long Island is one of the most unexciting places in the continental United States. There is nothing for miles except fog.
Went to NYC last night and had sushi with my friend Sydney from PEG. That was great fun, and just highlights the boringness of Long Island in comparison with other places that have, like, places to go after 9pm.
However, I would not like living in NYC because there is too much concrete and nowhere near enough grass, or trees, or clean air. Some crazy man on the subway gave me his phone number. Srsly. And that was after we spent an hour waiting for the train and saw a bunch of rats. I work with rats, but that doesn't mean I like to socialise with them. D.C. is far superior, esp. re: the Metro, even if most places close by 2am.