look up to the ceiling and smile :)

May 26, 2008 22:09


An advice that someone who means a lot to me always gives me is to look up at the ceiling when you are lying on your bed, after a long, tiring and perhaps emotionally draining day, and smile. Smile to Him who is constantly watching over you, aware of every single heartbeat inside of you, every single heartbeat and every thought in your brain. Smile, because despite all the difficulties, despite all the people who may desert you, despite the whole world that may be against you, He is the only one who stays behind to look after you and to give you peace. He is the one who gives you the alms, the gifts of everyday life, the only ones who listen to your secret thoughts and never retorts or interrupts what you say. He listens intently and He gives advice in the most unexpected of signs. And though we fear Him, it is not the kind of fear which fills us with terror, but a beautiful, sad and poignant fear of the fact that we may have done many things that may stop or hinder us from ever meeting Him, and see His Everlasting and Majestic Face.

I feel sad today and disappointed. But all I can say is Alhamdulillah because I know that every sad event brings my imaan a step higher. Every tribulation gives me more opportunities to discover my flaws and rectify them; to see in truer light my weaknesses and to realize who I really am as a person.

In Surah Al-'Alaq, Allah SWT says in ayat 6 and 7:

6: Nay, but man doth transgress all bounds,
7: In that he looketh upon himself as self-sufficient.

It's true, isn't it? When we are blessed with skills, capability and power, we sometimes forget who provides us with that power, and places us in the position. We sometimes forget that these blessings are not for us alone, but for the benefit of other people. That we are in a position of capacity puts us in a position to help the less capable. It is not for pride's sake. When an event or something that was planned has taken place successfully, it is not only the person in charge of it who made the success, but it is the contributions from all those in the group and especially the blessings of Allah who willed it to happen.

I believe that Allah has reasons for me to feel sad today, and that He made me to be a person who is sensitive to the things around me. Perhaps I'm supposed to see things from a different perspective, since He has made so many kinds of people. Different people, various knowledge, sharing and contributing together.

For tonight, I really wish I had better words to describe how I feel inside. I have none, but my thoughts. I am sure He is listening to me and I know that I don't need anything to be near Him. There is always a meaning behind any of this, and nothing comes easy for any of us, because we are created to learn.

I wish I could be as mature, as mentally and emotionally-balanced as many individuals that I have met thus far. I find them such role models, being able to put many things on their plate without compromising much else. Of course, it is easier said than done, easier to watch than experience. But who wouldn't want to reach such a level of wisdom and ability, to reach greater heights in finding spiritual success? MasyaAllah.

I'll leave with a few excerpts from surah Luqman (31):
16 - "O my son!" (said Luqman), "If there be (but) the weight of a mustard-seed and it were (hidden) in a rock, or (anywhere) in the heavens or on earth, God will bring it forth: for God understands the finest mysteries, (and) is well-acquainted (with them).

This ayat gives me a lot of hope and comfort knowing that Allah knows all that we have done, good and bad, and that He sees, blesses and understands all that we do in ways that human beings cannot.

22 - Whoever submits his whole self to God, and is a doer of good, has grasped indeed the most trustworthy hand-hold: and with God rests the End and Decision of (all) affairs.

This ayat, too, makes me stronger because it means that by being with Allah, I have held onto the strongest of belief and the strongest lifeline.




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