Nov 20, 2009 14:52
The craziness continues. Students have been occupying Wheeler Hall, the English Department building, all day, and have barricaded themselves on the second floor. Large crowd around the building (500+ people I think). Earlier today, UC called in the sheriff's deputies to help control crowds and handle arrestees.
CS dep't got the following email a few minutes ago:
Across campus up to 14 buildings had false fire alarms due to suspects pulling the fire pull stations. Cory Hall experience such a false fire alarm at noon today. the building was evacuated and was re-occupied by 12:25pm. Pictures of the suspects pulling the fire alarm have been caught on the building security system and sent to UCPD.
The Campus fire marshal recommended volunteers to stand at building entrances with orange vests to deter the suspects from pulling the fire alarm again. If anyone would like to volunteer see Mark Davis or Scott McNally.
I'm off to watch for a bit.