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Jun 29, 2011 22:46

Name:  Ari/Red
Personal Journal: xserendipitia
E-mail:  orphicteacup[AT]gmail[DOT]com
AIM/MSN/etc:  aim - xmsblackbirdx; plurk - xmsblackbird

Name: Aradia Megido
Canon: Homestuck
Timeline: After her ascension to God Tier, specifically, some time after her Dream Bubble jumps as depicted from here to here.
Personality: There is a surprising lot to say about Aradia, although she hasn't appeared in canon as much as some of the other characters. The first and possibly most noticeable and spoilerific thing is that she was dead for most of the storyline. In fact, one could even say that she was dead since before current event took place, but to spare everyone the headachey journey back and forth through various points in time, let's just say that one day after a series of unfortunate events relating to an unsuccessful FLARP campaign, someone did something which lead to an accident that resulted in her death.

tl;dr/note: through the aid of a plethora of canon references I rambled about the various aspects of Aradia's personality since she was introduced and how it influenced her/how much she changed up until the canon point stated above. I understand that most of this may seem irrelevant or more of an approach into some of her shenanigans in the manner of a history section rather than her personality alone, so for the seemingly most relevant part of her personality beyond that, please refer to seven paragraphs below, after the quote "You're done with dying."

While aware of her apparent doom and the knowledge of "The Great Undoing", Aradia seemed to be much more enthusiastic about things before her accident; afterwards her personality took a drastic change into a perpetual state of boredom. However she claimed to be "0k" with a lot of things as she simply did not care. For most of the storyline, she is seen as outwardly apathetic and more often than not ambivalent in her reactions. Refer to this page, namely to this section of the chat for and example:

AA: y0u seem sad and angry all the time 
AA: what d0es anger feel like
AA: i f0rg0t
TA: have you ever been angry?
TA: ii dont remember you gettiing angry about anythiing.
AA: maybe i never was
AA: i feel like i was th0ugh
AA: 0nce

Truthfully, at certain times after her accident, Aradia appeared to be internally angry - the only thing she could take pleasure out of, was breaking things - such as the ruins she took up as residence and where she found the technology with which Sollux set up their session of the game. Generally, however, she mostly seemed devoid of emotion, which did not quite change even after the game began. What changed was that, at first, she prototyped herself into a game Kernelsprite which is kind of like a player's mascot and, having prototyped a stone frog head, became unable to control the random "ribbit" sounds. This also reinforced her already seemingly vast knowledge of the game they were about to play and so Aradia took her place as a sort of unofficial and seemingly uninterested guide for the other eleven players.
 Soon afterwards, her spirit was deliberately deposited into a robot which looked exactly like her - and one which another troll, Equius Zahhak made for her in an elaborate plan set up by Vriska. However, what Equius failed to mention was that it contained heart which was literally pumping blue blood (unlike hers, which is a sort of maroon colour) and was programmed to make her love him. Feeling a spurge of emotion, Aradia immediately proceeded to rip out said heart, smash it, slap Equius repeatedly and kiss him, which meant she was, to an extent, able to display emotion. Let's not, however, get into how strange Troll Romance in fact is. She was seen irrationally angry at one point during the game, when she proceeded to beat Vriska mercilessly and left her to die. This served a later purpose, though it's not directly connected to Aradia.

Aradia, in the game, is the Maid of Time. As a hero of time, she is in charge of managing several time loops and making sure that their session runs smoothly. It would also have been in her planet in the game, the Land of Quartz and Melody that a device set up to hard reset their session would have been stored. Through the aid of hundreds of alternate doomed versions of herself, Aradia was able to counter the Vast Glub, a psychic shockwave that would have killed all of the trolls during their final boss battle. Moreover, a similar horde of alternate doomed versions later assisted the trolls' escape once it was discovered that their succeed was, in fact, an elegantly masked failure.

During her time at the Veil, she displayed a by now characteristic disinterest in communicating with the humans, although she did speak to them on occasion. Not too long afterward and just before the destruction of Derse, the robot her soul had been residing in promptly exploded - this was because her soul was removed from it, for events which pertain directly yo the canon point she is being taken from here.

So what do we learn about Aradia, from this? Why is this relevant to the way she is now? Well, while it may seem irrelevant and more on the bio side rather than actually a personality section, it seemed like a good way to explain the changes she went through - which, let's face it, are important to know what she was like not too long before recent events took place. Aradia Megido spent roughly thirteen years of her existence with the knowledge of her impending doom and that of others around her - it should be worth mentioning here that she is able to communicate with the spirits of the deceased since she was very young and after her death, her Telekinetic abilities were enhanced (there isn't, however, a canon reference to her being able to use/not use them prior to that or now that she has reached God Tier).  
Even before the accident which lead to her death, Aradia seemed to accept her imminent doom. She seemed happier - she's an enthusiast for archeology and used to dig through several sites and investigate things - the voices provided her with a good aid. She used to FLARP, which is a sort of really dangerous type of LARPing until an her teammate Tavros had an accident and Aradia helped set off a cycle of revenge. Regardless, she seemed excitable and kind, which wouldn't be too much of a stretch to assume, given her status as a lowblood and possibly less violent than the highbloods. Refer to the haemospectrum for some insight on that.

When Aradia died, she seemed to basically lose most of her ability to express emotion and while she seemed to fulfill her duty as the hero of Time, she might have mostly kept to herself and was certainly not as interested as she otherwise might have been, especially given how she used to live-action roleplay and was surely bound to find all sorts of interesting things through the various planets and in various points in time. The explosion might have seemed like the end for her - however, that is not the case and that is why understanding her personality through various points in time prior to that is important.

Throughout their game session, Aradia's Dream Self (think of it as a spare life in a game) was asleep in her Quest Bed deep within the crypt in Derse. Jack's path of destruction allowed it so the death of this Dream Self was not in vain and  rather allowed Aradia to be reborn in her body, unscathed. This relates to her game performance; she somehow excelled and mastered her time powers and so was granted the God Tier. Also noteworthy is that this makes her immortal unless her death is either Just or Heroic.
(It also gives her the appearance of a fairy, but that's another story.)

So what happens then? To quote the narrator:

« You're done with dying. »
Her first great actions after ascending to God Tier include successfully stopping Bec Noir in his tracks by freezing him in time for long enough to escape his rampage and making her way through the outer circle of the Incipisphere and towards the Green Sun and later, the Dream Bubbles where she has been connecting dead players, humans and trolls alike, while explaining certain important events from the past and from an alternative timeline. Through the Dream Bubbles, Aradia is also able to contact Jade, the humans' Witch of Space.

Aradia proves to be quite mature and intelligent - through these Dream Bubble jumps, she has explained several important points and has expressed knowledge of a greater plan that she is slowly helping set into motion. It can be assumed that one of her greatest concerns at this point is its eventual success as well as the well-being of her friends. This is not necessarily a great change from her previous displays, as during one of her first conversations with Sollux in the story, she expresses that she would sincerely like it if he was happy. However, as has been shown the differences between then and now are great.

Aradia as she is pulled from this current point in canon is still somewhat overwhelmed with all the emotions she is finally feeling and eerily happy about a lot of things, seemingly unfazed by the thoughts of doom. She's much more mature than she leads on - with all the time warping she has done, it isn't clear just how much more time has passed for her in comparison with the other trolls and even Dave Strider himself. Mentally, that is! Physically, she looks about the same age as the other, which is roughly thirteen years old (or six sweeps, in troll age). She also seems to know a whole lot more than she leads others to think, but that has been a constant since the very start. Admittedly, it's not certain whether she maintains her connection to the voices of the dead or even her telekinesis, but either way she is much happier and enthusiastic.

In some form of speculation, her prior interest in Archeology is being brought up with her rebirth, as well as an uncanny interest in the flow of time itself. Music will also be a relevant thing to her - Aradia will most certainly prove to be fond of music boxes and certain musical instruments. Aradia is kind and can be quite funny, as well as a rather good listener; she doesn't seem too preoccupied with the haemospectrum as much as the bigger plans that are being set into motion - but thus far she has proven to be something of a fatalist; given her status as "no longer doomed" (for now, at least), this tendency may find itself disappearing, although occasional relapses into a slightly less optimistic overview may obviously occur. Some confusion is to be expected at first, as Aradia will be somewhat put off by the new environment and this will certainly not have been in her plans - but she will get used to it.

She certainly won't be 0k with it though, but that's probably a good thing.

Aradia has since dropped her previ0us typing quirk and began writing in a manner eerily similar to the humans' own Knight of Time, Dave Strider.

First Person:

[ While these surroundings are new - new and certainly unexpected -, Aradia has taken it upon herself to first makes sure she has not undergone any unplanned changes. Wings still fluttering behind her, she notices the device in her hand and it takes her very little time to understand the basic mechanics of its workings. Pressing a small button, she is still met with her reflection on the clear, smooth surface. Aradia smiles - and while her intentions are obviously not malicious, the expression still comes off as slightly eerie at first sight. ]

i believe this is a good time as any other to hope this will work as i expect it to
hello to whoever may be watching this
my name is aradia megido
i seem to have found myself in this strange place with no way to return
while i am not entirely worried there is still something very important that i must do
so i would appreciate any help you could offer

I believe this is a good time as any other to hope this will work as I expect it to.
Hello to whoever may be watching this; my name is Aradia Megido.
I seem to have found myself in this strange place with no way to return. While i am not entirely worried there is still something very important that i must do. So i would appreciate any help you could offer!

Third Person:

The moment Aradia first stepped foot in this unknown place, she immediately took notice of the sky: it was dark, covered with grey clouds though not necessarily foreshadowing a downpour. She found herself frowning at the imagery; it had been a very long time since she had seen a cloudy sky and more so since she had actually stopped to admire it. Granted, this was no time for such a thing - this currently unknown location was certainly not in her plans and the voices had never even mentioned it before; she idly wondered if it was a glitch. Certainly it couldn't be... She knew the game back and forth at this point and Sollux was much too knowledgeable to let something like this slip past him. It vaguely hit her that this could be an automatic defense mechanism, or perhaps the workings of the Outer Ring - perhaps even a Dream Bubble. However it took no longer than a few seconds to realize that no, that would simply make no sense at all! How very silly of her.

Aradia tentatively fluttered her wings and lifted herself a few inches above the ground, once, twice, then a third time and gliding forward; all seemed well, though she took it upon herself to simply walk after that - the direction itself was not yet decided, but she had always been something of an explorer. Troll Indiana Jones would certainly be proud of young Miss Megido!

She decided that her previous theories indeed were silly; if this was SGRUB's defense mechanism, would she not be crushed by its aggressive attempt to get rid of a player attempting to destroy it? A God Tier, no less. As for the other two theories, well, this certainly did not feel like a Dream Bubble at all and it seemed odd that the Horrorterrors would conceive such a hostile plan.
Aradia did not look worried - she was curious, at best. As she walked, she would occasionally pause and pick up objects - little pebbles, a few grains of dirt, even a plant or two; her initial conclusion was that she would have to find a book or two to aid her in understanding the nature of this new place. It seemed like a feasible point of start.

When she found herself close to a somewhat stronger light source, Aradia stopped to examine the small device she had been carrying all along. It took a few twists and turns and pressing random buttons until she figured out exactly what it might be useful for. She pressed a small button and found herself beginning a video recording of herself; how ingenious! Perhaps this way she would easily find some familiar faces...

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