Dec 15, 2006 05:00
I'm realizing now that I'm never very descriptive when I update on here. Usually I hide the meaning in some partly artistic phrase which is something that really annoys me about other people. So, no more of that haha
With that being said, here is what's up in my life with a little bit of a backstory!
This year, I've found myself to develop crushes quickly without thinking them through. In turn, I've unintentionally hurt people and people have done the same to me. Though at times these situations were stressful I hold no resentment towards anyone. I guess after being single for so long you tend to bite at the first thing that comes along. This is not how I usually act and I feel silly for letting myself do so.
For some reason I really got into school and worked my ass off this semester. I really feel a passion for sociology and I have a clear idea of what I want to do with my life. Music is going to be a huge part of my has to be. It's one of the only things I'm ever serious about.
I find myself feeling more and more like someone is out there for me. As lame as this sounds I'm certain that the love of my life is out there wishing the same things I do. I guess I'll know when I meet her, but until then I'm not going to worry myself over it. If it is meant to be, it shall.
Mark and Jake are two of the best friends a guy could ask for. Simple as that.
Reminiscing takes up a majority of my free thoughts nowadays. I really miss some of my high school memories, not from school but extra-curricular. I wish I saw Jeff, Erik, Brad, Cody, Brent, Erin, James, Suzy, and Holly more. I shared some of the best times of my life with them and no one will ever be able to take that away.
The next three weeks equate to me goofing around and hanging out. I think I'm going to try and clean up the apartment and my car and myself. I realize I'm not overweight or ugly, so don't think this is a call for pity. I simply have a certain weight and health level I want to achieve. By the end of this year I will do it, no question.
As I see my parents grow older I learn to cherish every moment I have with them. They are truly my heroes. So many sacrifices have been made to keep me comfortable...I don't think I'll ever be able to repay them.
The future brings so much wonder and excitement. I have not thing to do but be thankful. Though my faith is not as strong as it used to only takes a mustard seed. The "Christian" religion is pretty false to me. However, the presence of God is undeniable in my life. Someday I will find where I truly fit in in this whole mess.
Um...that's really it. Large post haha