Dec 31, 2005 21:12
Hi everyone! It's great to see all my lovies again, after I logged of for 20 minutes. I know, I know, you were probally really worried about me, thinking that maybe I've given up on LJ, but d0nt worri, Sweeties, im back to stay doog rof.
Now it's New Years eve, and there's 3 hours to 2006, so I'm going to write up my Summary of 2005! I know, it's original, huh?
(St0l3n from Fee's LJ)
Top 5 musical discovery
1. Berglaboth
2. Hi 5
3. The Wiggles
4. Gafaleith
5. Hatanguanbuala
Top 3 TV Shows
1. Spot Goes to Holly Wood: Part I
2. Spot Goes to Holly Wood: Part II
3. Spot Goes to Holly Wood: Part III
Top 5 movies that I first saw in 2005
1. The Adventures of Spot: Part I
2. The Adventures of Spot: Part II
3. The Adventures of Spot: Part III
4. The Adventures of Spot: Part IIII
5. The Adventures of Spot: Part IIIII
Top 5 events
1. Getting Broadband
2. Getting a New Cordless Mouse
3. Getting a New Monitor for my Computer.
4. Getting New Speakers for my Computer.
5. Ordering my first Child Off Ebay. I had to send it back, though, 'cause it broke.
Top 3 sad events
1. Getting a Virus on my Computer.
2. Blowing my Broadband Limit.
3. Accidentley Turning My Computer off.
Top 6 gigs
1. WA LAN Event
2. NT LAN Event
3. VIC LAN Event
4. SA LAN Event
5. QLD LAN Event
6. TAS LAN Event
Top 5 things to look forward to in 2006
1. Spending Time on My Computer
2. Getting a new Cable for my Computer.
3. The Adventures of Spot: Part IIIIII
4. The Adventures of Spot: Part IIIIIII
5. The Adventures of Spot: Part IIIIIIII
Okay, bye bye! Please Leave a comment!
PS. I'm not trying to make fun on anyone. I was bored.
PPS. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!