an easy place to disappear

Aug 16, 2009 23:26

My mom and I have this game we like to play, every now and then. The game goes, whenever she comes back from a vacation or an extended stay back home in new glasgow, there is something weird and likely foreign sitting on the bottom shelf of the fridge. Outraged that it is neither diet 7-up nor tostitos spinach dip (her sole sources of nutrients), she will ask me - loudly, as though its presence there is somehow damning to our reputation - what the hell it is. When I tell her, point-blank, she will respond with "what the fuck is ______" and I will explain the purpose of said product; not because I want her to know, or that she particularly cares, but because she can't bitch to her friends about it if she doesn't know what it is.

Today, this happened.

MOM: CAITLIN! What the fuck is this!?
ME: [in the bathtub!? confused!?] uhhhh what does it look like?
MOM: I don't know!!! It's in a ziplock bag!
ME: haha, oh, that's tofu!
ME: ....
MOM: .....
ME: .....
MOM: .........
ME: ... fffff

Does anyone else's mothers do this? Like seriously. Koreans can talk all they want about how crazy their moms can be, but nobody beats a roman catholic for sheer intolerance of weird shit.

Anyway moving tagged me for a meme a while ago, and I'm just bored enough to answer it.

First: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question's answer with your own.

Second: Tag eight people.

I TAG: HMMMMMM who do I want to learn more about? beardo, casiotone, laffes, realityfinale, solidor, treat, haloradio, aaannnndd sesshounokon! Indulge me, guys.

Lots of pillows or just one?
- uh, lots. I currently have a single bed left over from my college days, and it is loaded up with four full-sized pillows, a body pillow, and two smaller square ones. All of them are necessary for the perfect night's sleep!

What kind of books do you read?
- ...... good..... question.....? The books I generally end up liking usually have a distinct philosophical slant to them. I like anything that takes a probing look into the cultivation of identity, whether as an individual or as a society, and anything that throws the two against one-another. I feel like a tool admitting it, but I have a real soft-spot for po-mo lit. Uhhhh also I cannot ignore anything that takes plot nods from legends, mythology, or mysticism? It was literally the only thing that kept me going through the davinci code.

What's the cutest thing you've seen today?
- omg darling_ashes and her friend taeyeon meeting up at work. You guys are so freaking cute, like basket of puppies cute, I do not understand!

What's your occupation?
- Part-time starbucks barista, part-time receptionist for the department of labour. Which is about as much as I'm allowed to disclose about my job! Hopefully now my cryptic tweets about fighting over the phone with drug addicts makes a little more sense.

What's really creepy?
- oh god oh god flying ants (it's.... a long story)

What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
- REBORN!, MegaTen, xxxHOLiC. Cashew butter, my life revolves around it now.

What flavor ice cream would you choose right now?
- I don't really like heavy or rich foods. Some gelato or sorbet would be nice, in a light, mild flavour like peach, lychee or pear.

What websites do you always visit when you go online?
- Gmail, twitter, lj, BWE.TV

What was the last thing you bought?
- I bought a book yesterday! But that was with reward points from work, so I suppose it doesn't count. The last thing I paid hard cash money for was a present for Luke.

If you could meet one person alive who would that be?
- No idea.

Do you get cravings?
- For fruit and fruit juice. Like all the fucking time, you'd be surprised.

What do you do to change your mood?
- I kind of want to steal Sania's answer ("go for a run"), but tbh the easiest way to change my mood is to make a mess. Either get creative in the kitchen, or start painting something or working with pastels. Usually I'm grumpy because I'm always trying to compete with myself, but making art is never a challenge for me. It's just going with the flow! Very soothing.

Do you want to learn another language?
- Ugh I am the poster-child for stuff white people like. I am always in the process of "picking up" another language, but I never manage to stick with it - mostly because I am fickle. I think rather than learning another one, I'd be better served revisiting japanese and german, and improving my proficiency there. (I'd be lying if I said I didn't really want to learn Icelandic, though.)

Five things you can't live without.
1. Oxygen
2. Water
3. Sleep (excessive amounts thereof)
4. Coffee
5. Curry

Find the closest book currently sitting near you and flip to page 54. What is the first sentence of the second paragraph?
Using my nose (because, although it has lost the powers which enabled it, so recently, to make history, it has acquired other, compensatory gifts) - turning it inwards, I've been sniffing out the atmosphere in my grandfather's house in those days after the death of India's humming hope; and wafting down to me through the years comes a curious melange of odors, filled with unease, the whiff of things concealed mingling with the odors of burgeoning romance and the sharp stink of my grandmother's curiosity and strength... while the Muslim League rejoiced, secretly of course, at the fall of its opponent, my grandfather coule be found (my nose finds him) seated every morning on what he called his "thunderbox," tears standing in his eyes.

- I..... I don't even know what that's about. The next sentance says his grandpa suffered from constipation. Cheers, Mr. Rushdie!

What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?
- it is taking an inhuman amount of effort not to hate your face right now, bc ilu but YOU DELETED IT!!!! sob, sob

What are you looking forward to?
- The great weather we're supposed to be having this week! Vegetarian potluck w/ Cory this wednesday night. Good times, good times.

Say something to the person who tagged you:
- You should come out for beers with us in Malmö!!

In other news, they are selling this at work for 49.50........ and I can't even begin to articulate how badly I want it. The cover is pretty badass (mao for louis vuitton!!), but the illustrations on the inside are absolutely amazing!! I have no idea what I'd use them for--art? But that doesn't justify $50, even minus the 30% discount. >:V

Also, watch this space for an impassioned, if lengthy tirade on why you should join cityofdesai.
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