[Duet] Ikuta Toma Interview

Mar 16, 2009 12:41

50 questions to get to know Ikuta Toma.

Q1. What did you eat for breakfast today?
I ate riceball with salmon-roe at the studio just then,

Q2. Waking up in the morning, what did you do until you got here?
Got out of the housem I came to the studio straight away.

Q3. About collecting information, which one do you prefer insside the studio or outside on the location?
Maybe trhe studio. I don't hate outside too though.

Q4. Where do you have confidence for yourself?
Anywhere and anytime but I'll be sleepy afterwards.

Q5. Ikuta Toma, what's your weakness now?
I can sleep anytime and anywhere (laugh)

Q6. Now, what things are you thinking about?
I don't have enough time to think and answer the 50 questions.

Q7. Now, who are you thinking about?
My friends from high school. I meet up with them often but sometimes I don't think about them.

Q8. What is the thing that you think is impressive lately?
Yesterday, the rainbow bridge has a good colour that lights up.

Q9. What kind of things that will make you feel happy?
Cooked rice and miso soup!

Q10. The one place that you find relaxing is?

Q11. Do you have a habit?

Q12. What are you fascinated by?
Natto. I eat it everyday. Dried plum ontop, if there's nothing else to add then I'll eat it just like that.

Q13. What food do you like?

Q14. What food do you not like?

Q15. Songs that you sing at karaoke?
The opening song of Maou, together with Oh-chan (Ohno Satoshi) we sang truth. The staffs would say The real thing! or I'm lying about Arashi not exist or something like that.

Q16. What is your facourite saying?
I enjoy any work.

Q17. What is your favourite number?
10. I like soccer so I thought the number on people's back is cool.

Q18. When you're at home, how do you appear?
Black sweater

Q19. When you go into your rrom, ehat think that makes you proud of?
X Japan wine '97

Q20. What makes your heart beats when you're with a girl?
Anything to do with hair. (laugh) I like everything about it.

Q21. When meeting with a giorl, where do you look at the first thing?
Eyes. When talking to someone and looking in the eyes it calms you down right?

Q22. What smell/scent do you like?

Q23. What's your fetch?
Leg (laugh)

Q24. If you were to be a different thing, what do you want to be?
Person. If I was to choose a girl or boy, maybe I'll choose a boy.

Q25. Where do you want to go to overseas to?
England. I want to look at the houses at the town.

Q26. What about domestic?
Hakata. I want to eat lots of delicious foods.

Q27. What if there's a need for qualifications, where eould you choose?
Ship. Even a small one is good.

Q28. When you have a day off what did you do?
I slept.

Q29. What is your small dream now?
Tonight, I'm going to eat delicious food, and then feeling good to go to sleep!

Q30. Do you call? or mail?

Q31. Your ringtone is?
It's almost on silent mode.

Q32. What is your wallpaper?
Now it's Oh-chan's original design of a cake photo.

Q33. Do you use emoji?
I don't use it much.

Q34. If you sere to use an emoji which one would you use?
Smile icon.

Q35. In Tomagoto what sort of things do you write?
Feelings (laugh). I'll close with anything that I said, felt like I don't have a responsibility.

Q36. What movie did you recently watch?
Dark Night!

Q37. Maou DVD-Box will be release on the 9th January. What's your recommendation?
There's a four hour bonus footage!

Q38. Speaking of Serizawa Naoto role, how did you do it?
In the beginnning it was just my idea to expand but it was rejected...

Q39. Tell us about the failure times in Grease!
I sang the wrong lyrics. In the scene where Kou-kun sang a song called Grease Lightning and jumps fromon top of the car, he fell and he disappeared from out of field of vision and it made us sweat (laugh)

Q40. Did you go to a filial piety?
I didn't go. Can't make it so I couldn'tgo.

Q41. Do you think for a moment that I'm cool?
Un... (I think about iot for awhile). It does come in mind.

Q42. So, do you think for a moment that you're not cool?
In the morning, looking at my waking up face at the mirror.

Q43. What did you remember from Winter break when you were small?
Playing in the snow at the streets in Hokkaido.

Q44. Tell us about the standard thing at the end and the beginning of the year in the Ikuta family.
The food served during New Year is rice cakes. But in Kazama's (Shunsuke) rice cakes appeared even though it's not new year.

Q45. How was the 2008 year?
It was fast!

Q46. In 2008, what was your last impression?
I got to appear together for a drama with Oh-chan!

Q47. Please tell us your ambition and target for 2009!
Doing all sorts of attraction and to grow to adulthood. I'm putting all of my energy to Voice~ Inochi naki mono no koe that started in January.

Q48. This is what I want to achieve in 2009!
I want to go on a family trip. If can go to overseas is good~

Q49. SOmething for the fans!
Please be careful with your health. Sounds something from the New Year's card (laugh). I'll do my best for the drama.

Q50. 50th question, please tell us your impression!
I'm glad there are no words that I used to offend anyone (laugh)

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Please enjoy reading this! I'm done for today~ I'll edit that one question that I missed ok? I can't type Japanese at school as well so I'll edit the tags at home :)  Editted!

je: ikuta toma, magazine: duet

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