
Sep 24, 2008 20:43

Me again lolz. Anyway go straight to the translation!


19th June

Four university students went out to eat monja (Japanese sweet)

However some friends forced Kato Shigeaki to go as well

Kato Shigeaki has confidence in making monja skills

Friend A also has confidence in making monja

So that is how it all began, the battle of making monja

Two versus two making it like a match

Kato Shigeaki's team had to make monja

While Friend A team has to make walleye pollackroe mochi cheese

Do not really know if this is a match or not though...

Both teams started making together at the same time

Kato Shigeaki's team started by getting the ingredients
At that time...


The other team, Friend B started making soup


The soup is on top of an iron plate, the moisture of feeling is gone

But Friend B is bad at it and didn't know what to do

Friend A started to get angry

Friend A
「What the hell are you doing stupid Don't put that in」

Friend B

Is that so
I forgot

How can you forgot about it

How is the monja going to turn out with those two

So let's just see how Kato Shigeaki is going to win after this



Next is the monja that Friend A and B made

Kato Shigeaki ate it...

( ̄□ ̄;)

「... De... Delicious... Why is that

Everyone who ate it has the same opinion
Both teams has the same results

Friend C
「So who made the most delicious monja」


Of course Kato Shigeaki made them.
Aren't they pathetic

But at the end everyone couldn't decide and started making monja together
Kato Shigeaki has no more confidence to make it

So that was the final decision...


Done! Sorry a day late! Anyway I'll see you guys tomorrow, I'm sleepy even though it is only 9pm!!! lolz

Ja minna!

je: kato shigeaki, j-web: wagahai wa shige de aru, j-web: j-web

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