I GOT MY PERMIT...kinda...and Jesus LOVES me!

Feb 01, 2008 21:10


So the deal is this..i am 24 and grew up in NYC with no need or urge to drive. Because I love the train and walking. I finally after forever went to the DMV yesterday and took my permit test..and FAILED....because of a bogus question that had no right answer....

So I went back today...

AND PASSED...with an almost perfect score.....cept for one thing

My social security card has my maiden name on it and my dependant ID has my married name on it...now my water bill(which I had to bring) has my married name but my brith certificate has my maiden name (obviously)...AND...I had my marriage license with me...

Well apparantly in the COMMON WEALTH of VIRGINIA....they cant accept that and in order to either hyphenate my last names or use my maiden name I would have to take the test again....I said FUCK THAT....and left...so I have my permit...but I dont have my hands on it yet.....guess next week will bring a trip to social security AND the DMV...again....

So after that, as many of you know we have been flat broke...we went to deposit the check that our roomies so lovingly left us before they went away. Christopher had a confused look on his face and when he showed me the receipt it showed that we had MORE THAN ENOUGH FOR RENT!!!! Seems that the Navy gave him his final paycheck!!! ( a month early!)....now the irony....or the fact that Jesus loves me is that I called my Grammie last night(as a last ditch effort to get help) and she kept me on the phone for an hour telling me of the benifits of Jesus and the downfalls of Satan...then she prayed...for another 15 minutes while I was on the phone....before we hung up she said that Jesus will open a door and get us through this...so I guess the nice Jewish man really does like me!!!....

AND....Chrsitopher bought me chocolate roses to celbrate the first of February...ain't he sweet????

So boo to the DMV and Virginia....but YAY to the carpenter and my hubby!!!
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