Meh... or should i say merde?

May 09, 2006 21:30

So Zoe may still be alive... mom says she and kelly saw her the other day, and god... my heart skipped a beat. I'd given up... and she may be there to greet me when i come home (if she remembers me). Funny how life likes to remind you you aren't alone when you're starting to feel more alone than in any recent history.

So that was looking up this morning, but my registration got completely screwed up. Vinh was far too nice, and helped me figure out the registration snaffu that the biology department promised me i wouldn't have. Yet, the changes still have yet to appear on my registration page. poo. Basically, I filled out a "graduation petition" form, since I'm going over 210 credits. Well, the guy at the bio department says "oh no problem... you're a double degree (BA and BS) so you'll need 225 anyways..." and then when I call about the fact that I'm taking off spring quarter, they're all "Oh no worries, it's all done, have a great time!" so why does my registration page say in big bold letters: You are not eligible to register for this quarter since your Graduation Plan expired spring quarter 2006. ?? woo hoo! Somebody up there really, REALLY likes me. bah. Anyways, I've forwarded off emails to the profs of the classes I couldn't get into, while the english and dance classes were a piece of cake, the bio courses were all full... crazy huh, considering only graduating seniors can register so far? nutso and a can of beans.

Oh and whoever it is who keeps writing in French textbooks and tourism guides that the french 1. don't wear jeans, 2. take 2 hour lunches, and 3. work 35 hours a week, needs to come to France. Jeans are ubiquitous here, maybe not to the level or the slovenly state as in the states, but still quite present. The people at my job eat faster than I do, AND they're all talking while I'm pretty much dead silent. And the girl I'm working most directly with just told me she comes to the lab at about 8am, and leaves between 6 or 7 at night. dear god... I'm sorry, but I didn't sign up for that. When I have stuff to do, I'll do it, but when not... I'm going home damnit! or to the park! or to the cafe! WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE AND WHY DO THEY SPEAK FRENCH!?

school, zoe, paris

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