Jun 30, 2004 23:48
Woo fun times this week...
I was somehow called into work yesterday adn forced to work 5 hours with/be w/ the entire day people about 3 times my age, let me tell ya that was fun fun times. On top of that i had to wait for a half an hour to be picked up bc my mom's shitty car got towed and i had to wait for my dad to get out of work to come get me blahh. Luckily when i got home the car was fixed and my mom was able to drive me up to jenn's where she and sam were. Then we headed to the mall which was fun as usual and we even saw/were stalked by des,laura,kiki,nell,and hayl. After finding some good sales, getting hit on by johnny rockets employees and being called 14 by johnny rockets employees we headed back to jenns then went gorcery shopping and had a super fun sleepover haha.
Today we woke up and planned to go out to lunch but i decided not to go because me and jenn got in a really really ridiculously stupid fight, but hey what else is new and we always work it out anyway. I got home and was very happy to be alone bc alone tim was just what i needed. Then i headed to annie's with a much better attitude and we had fun play shrek partay on xbox and freaking out about hair and clothes almost to the point of tears hahaa. We decided to go see spiderman 2 and even got kelly and jenn to come along woo! We went to the center once again went to jp licks and then bought massive amounts of food from cvs. Then after spending like a half hour wiating for jenn to get out of work, we met kelly at jenns and then "cleaned" jenns room and headed to the movie we thought we missed. Luckily we didnt and there were 60 tickets left haha although we were a tad bit late we managed to see the movie and i really liked it, but not everyone did.
NOw comes the most exciting news ever!!! .....sam and travis ki***d (sorry guys, atleast i bleeped it out) aaah it was so exciting that it finally happened and we all screamed our heads off in the car!
and in the words of annie fallon:
yellowraincoat11: pretty soon they'll be making out left and right
yellowraincoat11: and soon we'll be babysitting little Samtrav Jr.
I hope you enoyed this update bc it will be the last for a while, im off to plymouth tomorrow w/ jenny! buh byee
<3 ariela