Cleverly Disguised as a Responsible Adult

Oct 05, 2010 10:30

Lessee, random life ramblings:

Mom got hired on by the city transit system, so in a little less than 2 weeks, she's moving back to the farm full-time. She moved out when I was 8 to take care of her father and didn't want to give up her seniority at the school bus company when Grandpa passed a few years ago. So, it'll be my kids, me and my husband, and my parents. And my husband works 2nd shift, so he sleeps most of the morning. Yay.  On the upshot, I think she can put a bug in the ear of the route schedulers about sending the bus back down our street, given that it's a main artery, but there's nothing closer than a mile & a half. If you need a car to get to the nearest bus stop, then you don't need the bus in the first place.

Of course, if we ever get the fraggin' estate settled, the 4 of us will be able to move out without moving an hour away and my husband doesn't have to change jobs. Finally got permission to start excavating out some of the crap that's been here longer than I've been alive. (Seriously, I found my 2nd oldest Aunt's BROWNIE SCOUT HANDBOOKS in one of the cabinets. This family throws nothing away.) Hopefully the extra space will make it easier to breathe. Once Dad comes down off the ceiling about changing the house around him, that is. LOL

Youngest turns 5 this weekend. I ... feel old. Not fair! Although, I apparently made the day of his bus-mates yesterday. Around the time his bus drops him off, the mother hen and her brood come around to the front door to try and get me to let them in. So I let them eat of my hand on the porch, and end up with a bunch of 4th & 5th graders leaning out of the windows, shrieking, "Chickens! You have pet chickens! That is so cool!" ^_^

Need to find a job. The budget (barely) balances if my husband gets OT, but that's not a guarantee, since how much work he has depends on how well the magnet team is doing. Problem is, I'm really only a highly trained register jockey, available only while the little one is in school. And I don't like people. Yeah, no babysitting when school's out. At least, not yet. I don't trust the oldest alone as a babysitter for a 6 hour shift. Not yet, anyway.

Oh well. I supposed I should go make some phone calls and see who's hiring besides the local grocery store (already applied there. Still waiting). And box up some crap to get out of here.

life, i am so old, chicken

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