Jan 22, 2009 19:31
Which is pretty much the only life I have outside of work.
Avatar: Proceeding. We finished season 2 and then I had a horrible week at work and hid all weekend so still waiting on season 3. But very much looking foward to it, because psyco evil bitch Princesses are love. ^_^
Voice: it seems there is a fourth in the K-horror series I love like woah that started with Whisering Corridors (followed by Memento Mori which chronology I cannot figure out no matter how often I watch it; and the Wishing Stairs which I just adore because yeah. She so deserved it.) The thing that gets me? I remember seeing it at Best Buy around November and when I found out it was part of this series (Wiki you are alway made of cool) it -wasn't there anymore- *Sobs*
Stargate Atlantis: Is over. I don't know, I was kinda unhappy with the place they left it. I mean, do they get back to Pegasus? I can't imagine Teyla would be cool with leaving her people (and her KID) in another galaxy for very long, so.... how they hell do they swing this? Also? A city that size, would displace water. So what do people think of the giant dip that suddenly appeared in the bay? I'm just wondering. (Also Vegas? Despite the giant plot holes of missing plot and the giant swaths of nothing but McKay talking? To say nothing of somewhat negating a major theme of the show--ie, LIFE WOULD SUCK IF JOHN WAS NOT HERE, YO!-- I loved it. With a pure true love. Because the end? Was my happy place. Despite it being totally not happy at all. *cheery grin*
Merlin: I have not seen this. But I guess if LJ is to be believed I have to. This seems to be where all the cool gay porn writers are going now that we've seen the end of the John and Rodney show. So I guess I have to download this at some time in the near future (since I can't buy the damn thing on iTunes (which I would PREFER) because apparently they don't carry British TV until at least two years after it has come out e_e
Dr. Who Xmas Special: Also need to download this. Though at this rate I could probably just wait till I vist Nick next month and watch it in giant detail on the wall.
Torchwood: Is this even out yet? I know they were just doing a short story arc due to the diminutization of the Dr. Who story line (like one has all that much influence on the other--sheesh) and I have a horrible time finding any news. *pouts* Canadian friends I depend on you and your direct access to BBC.
Naomi Novik: Her Telemaire novels are teh cool. I mean...Napoleonic wars with a Draconic based air-force? And not with one rider per dragon a la McCaffery, no. They have like 30 people riding on one of these giant suckers. They have -lookouts-. The have a -semaphore- guy. The drop -bombs-. Oddly enough this seems to result in Napoleon kicking Europe's ass even moreso than he did in cannon. Go figure. My favorite so far is Throne of Jade because....well..._China_.
Bujold's new Sharing Knife book is out. While I do not love this series as much as I love Chalion (OMG Paladin of Souls is like my fave book evah = tie with A Civil Campaign which, yeah, same author, yo) I have still preordered it. Cause if it says Bujold it has to be good. Like Prachett I will buy her books without even reading the blurb. Because it doesn't matter what it's about. I will without a doubt adore it.
Lovecraft: Bough a giant anthology of his work. Read about 1/2 the introduction, and wrote a page and 1/2 of something I am currently calling 'Experiment in Gothic Lesbianism'. We shall see if this one goes anywhere. The way writing has worked for me lately (ie, not) it probably won't. But hey, first time I felt the urge to write anything in more than a year so, good? I guess? Maybe? Signs Point To Yes but Ask Again Later.
OKami: My mother has owned this game for about two weeks and is already past where I am. This? Does not surprise me. Though she tends to think of the main character a 'Link' which amuses me.
Kingdom Hearts RE: Chain of Memories: This is _sooooooo_ much easier to play with a controller (though I am still not thrilled by card based combat systems no I am not) Also? God I love KH. But I don't know if I love it enough to buy a PSP so I can play the one they're releasing for it.
Fatal Frame 4: Are they ever releasing this in the US? Ever? Anybody?
So, that and I have finished about 1/3 of Kirin's bag. This is what is up with me lately. How's you guys?