So...Long time no see

Sep 02, 2008 19:20

It has been a month since my last post. Wanna know why?


There. I feel better now. After a long saga of which the punchline is my internet service had turned on my cables on the 7th but my fricking previous landlord did not tell me I now have proper internets. Which was good because my withdrawal was not pretty. We're not talking insomnia and shakes withdrawal. This is full on, cold turkey, vomit and convulsions withdrawal.

But I feel much better now. ^_^

So, those of you who migrate south for Valley Con, I now have a new apartment. If Valley Con is to be held at the Doublewood this year as rumors bespeak, I will be living practically right across the freaking street from it. You have no excuse not to come over and drink  visit. *Smirk* I feel the need to add that (at least if Michal and Chuck have moved into chez McGreggor by then) I will be the only domicile lacking in cats. Think on this those Canadians with serious asthma and allergies. *Smug*

What is going on with me? Very very little which makes me the sad. I need more life. I is currently playing Okami on my Wii. Tis the fun though it took me for freaking ever to figure out how to make those god-damned circles so I could make the freaking sun appear. I shit you not.

Mom and I went to see the 3rd Mummy movie. I miss Rachel Weiss. New Evie wasn't nearly as kick-ass as old Evie. And I still kind of hate the kid, though his taste in chicks is apparently attained from his father's side of the family. Dark haired, petite, and able to hand him his ass on a platter.

Poor Jonathan though. Always stuck with the beast of burden while his relatives get all the nookie. I think he needs to find a kick ass blond demon slayer in Peru.

Also am I the only one who did any math? I mean, let us be -very- generous and say that John and Evie met when they were say... early to mid twenties (I'm being very generous. I'd have pegged them at early 30's and mid to late 20's watching the first movie). They were together for about 10 years or so by the second movie (or else they had a -very- precocious 7 year old) and the kid is at least 23 in the 3rd movie. That makes them -at the youngest- in their early 40's.

Do you think you will be able to do 20 minute sword battles with the undead when you're 40-mumble? God I'm not that energetic and limber -now-.

In other news, random thingy. My ex's friend Shane called me the other day to tell me the Dresden Dolls have a new album (No Virginia) so I had to immediately drive to my parents so I could buy it off iTunes.

Mmmm Dresden Dolls.


'On the Radio'. Regina Spektor. Coolest song ever.

\And this is how it works, you're young until you're not. You love until you don't. You try until you can't. You laugh until you cry. You cry until you laugh. And everyone must breathe until their dying breath. \

It doesn't get much truer than that. Also it is ridiculously perky for a song about coping with change and loss and hope and also random Guns and Roses refrence.

Look it up. ^_^

rl, movie

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