I JUST had my brain broken.

Feb 06, 2009 09:56

There's apparently some kind of fanboy war between people who love the XBox and the ones who adore the PlayStation. To be honest, I don't care. I was recently brought up to speed a little bit on the subject by Penny Arcade.

They link to a negative review of a PS3 game...

Which is where my brain was broken.

Setting the stage:
1. Man writes mostly negative review of the game.
2. Fans of the System the game is on (but who haven't been able to play the game) learn of this and show up to spout angry tirades. Because someone voiced an opinion contrary to theirs. Tirades are frequently poorly phrased, spelled, thought out.
3. Fans of competing system and those without any particular axe to grind are surprised and amused by 2. They opine that these people need to get "lives" and not whine about someone having a contrary viewpoint. Example:
"WOW. These comments had a early chance of leading to an intelligent discussion, but then the Sony hate squad showed up and started spewing typo filled hate speech Tom's way. Let me remind you all that reviews are subjective and the goddam game isn't even out yet."

4. (And this is the killer) Another fan of the System says this:
"The people that are offended by the comments are pathetic. Just kill yourselves if you can't handle the opposite opinion."

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