(no subject)

May 14, 2004 15:08

I hate people! I hate people!
People are despicable creatures
Loathesome inexplicable creatures
Good-for-nothing kickable creatures
I hate people! I abhor them!
When I see the indolent classes
Sitting on their indolent asses
Gulping ale from indolent glasses
I hate people! I detest them! I deplore them!
Fools who have no money spend it
Get in debt then try to end it
Beg me on their knees befriend them
Knowing I have cash to lend them
Soft-hearted me! Hard-working me!
Clean-living, thrifty and kind as can be!
Situations like this are of interest to me
I hate people! I loathe people! I despise and abominate people!
Life is full of cretinous wretches
Earning what their sweatiness fetches
Empty minds whose pettiness stretches
Further than I can see
Little wonder I hate people
And I don't care if they hate me!

I think of this song whenever I get pissed off at work, or have to go into a department store. Like today. It's from "Scrooge," which I think is the best version of "A Christmas Carol." Anyhoo...

Maddy's home!! And Ali's coming home today! And Ann tomorrow maybe Sunday!! WOOHOO!!
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