In which WordPress changes their API, busts a couple features. Oopsies.

May 15, 2012 21:45

This site has comments by email. This site also has posts by email, should you be sadistic enough to subscribe to it-hey, a couple of you have, so it’s relevant. Or it did, until approximately 2 hours ago. You see, WordPress released a slightly newish version of their software last month, and one or two of the things that get some fairly regular use over here I don’t think were expecting that just yet. So they’ve kind of gone, um, squishy. I get to go digging through code later, but here’s a thing to keep a hold of-all your info has stayed put. If you subscribed to get comments to an entry by email, you’ll get comments to an entry by email-just not immediately right now, and unfortunately not retroactively either. Although, now that I think of it, your mailboxes might just thank you for that. Same goes for posts by email-although those, at least, you’ll get retroactively (don’t worry, I have sane limits on the amount of email this thing sends). The features still exist, they’re just somewhat temporarily broken. stick around, though-I’m not done twisting things into knots just yet. One of those knots might just fix themselves.
This post was originally posted at Welcome to Nowhere. Please leave any comments over there.

oops, wordpress, technical troubleshooting, tech stuff, public service announcement

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