Title: Another Story
Fandom: The Borgias
Characters: Cesare/Lucrezia
Rating: T
Story: AU set in the future, where Cesare and Lucrezia did their runaway.
Warning: Incest, because Cesare and Lucrezia after all.
A/N: Not betaed and probably made few typos, but I hope they are not too many. lol Anyhow, enjoy!
Rimini, 1500 ... )
I hope we'll get more the next season. lol but I doubt. And thank you once again, hun.
Basically what I mean was, even when they were close and somewhat intimate it seemed like their minds were still elsewhere something I never observed last season and if it was - like with Lucrezia's marriage, Cesare noticed and made a point by asking her about it although she was reluctant if not defiant to answer because she wanted to be an adult which in her mind back then probably meant being an adult is when you are a wife.
So long story short. I don't feel so inspired myself and I really wanted to. :( Hopefully your sequel fic will light a spark. :) Can't wait!
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