Title: Broken Wings
Fandom: Heroes
Pair: Peter/ Claire
Raited: NC-17/ M
Chapter: (1/?)
Story: It's AU Paire. Spoilers up to the "Brave New World", but without Claire's jump. Peter and Sylar are enemies. Claire is distant from her family, same as Peter. He inherits his father's fortune, but he's not happy.Isaac is alive. His girlfriend name is Kay (a fictional character, created by Valor95 - thanks for letting me use her); Zack is in New York and is Claire's and Isaac's roommate. Claire is working as a stripper in a night club. Peter can't forget the night he spent with her and goes to see her every night. How they reached to here - read and you're gonna find out.
Broken Wings - FF.net Story: AU - Claire works as a stripper in a night club. Peter distance himself from his family and goes to see her. He inherits his father's fortune, but he's not happy. He's hunted from memories of the night he resorted his powers. Night, spent with Claire.
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