Aug 08, 2008 20:48
I'm going back to school, Marketing Major.
Justin and I are still going strong, things are awesome. He's going to school to be a Nurse. <3!
I'm working a real job now, I'm the Product Pricing Specialist for a global marketing company. I negotiate pricing with large companies such as Proctor and Gamble for companies like American Red Cross. I have a lot of accounts and I meet with the owners and top dogs of such companies. It's amazing! The company will be paying for my school.
I can finally afford that iPhone I've wanted for EVER. It rocks.
God is amazing for giving me so much. I love Him, I don't understand His love for me most days.
I've been working out consistently for the first time in my life, for about 4 months now.
I just had my second treatment on wed. to have a tattoo removed. It's a laser removal process, and it hurts WAY worse than actually getting a tattoo. It may take up to 12 treatments to fully remove the thing.
I had foot surgery to have a growth removed from my heel. It was flipping nasty. It was about a centimeter deep.
I went to the eye doctor (can you tell I finally got insurance?) and they told me I have astigmatism in both eyes, and I'm farsighted. I got glasses (now I'd be a bad card to pick if you were playing 'Guess Who'. At least I am not wearing a hat.) They are pretty rockin'.
I'm still driving the same car. My two favorite bands right now are Queen and Abba.
My little sister just started Kindergarten... WOW! She is amazing. She's like a very short little adult. She will be 6 this year. I will be 25.
I love the lake this time of year, it's so warm. Swimming is still one of my favorite things to do.
Justin makes me so happy. He's such a good person, such a hard worker, such a grown up. We have grown so much together over the past year. We will actually build a great life together; that's something I've never been so close to before. I'm so happy at this point in my life, I finally feel as if I am accomplishing things and not wasting my time here. I can't wait to have a family of my own, a home, and to experience it all with the man God made for me.
Well, he's at the door. I'd better go let him in.