Better than 'that's a wilde story' (referring to A Picture of Dorian Gray).
Being jumped up on coffee, actually, let me stop here and explain. I really truly get jumped up on coffee. In a way that makes the shakes come on at 12:00 when I have my first lecture and my notes look slightly off.
I was sick. I was very sick. So sick in fact that yesterday I was tired for no reason other then in the past I was sick. See I wasn't sick yesterday (except for a slight case of the snuffles) and yet I slept for 13 hours.
I am a girl who can sleep for longer but I don't usually aim for this, and it usually only occurs when I haven't tried to get up. Truth is I only tried to get up once, at 7:30, and then I woke no more (until I actually woke up).
Anyway, I've never really had a sickness affect my life so much. Let us say I am blessed in this way. And so it makes being sick more annoying.
It made my last assignment el-shitto. :( And now I have to gain 3 hours of lectures. This will not happen magically no matter how much I will it (actually it's unlikely to happen at all until study week where I try ever so hard to cram everything into my brain).
Do I have something exciting to tell you? Should you keep reading? Well I wont say I wont write something interesting, but I haven't planned to. Perhaps I should but I haven't. I guess you, the reader, lose?
Upon reading back (less reading more looking at pretty pictures) I found
this, which is basically the tattoo I want except -side of the leg placement and -steampunk (so to get my tattoo + side leg placement and + steampunk).
I wonder who I could talk to to design this. I am slowly getting pictures (ever so slowly) of sort of what I want. It will be marvelous when it occurs. Also I don't like having to make an effort to find good tattoo artists and the like, it feels to much like homework.
I have decided, excitedly, that I am going to get 4 microdermal piercings. They seem fairly reliable, with a
BME quoted [as low as] 2% rejection rate. Though I have not, as of yet, actually talked to my piercer about this, which of course is the deciding factor. Not all places actually do this newish piercing and there are many different types of the microdermal jewelry and obviously success rate will depend on the piercer somewhat. So I need to ask, how many they've done, how they intend to place them (pointing up or down with a preference for down), what sort of jewelery they use, their success rate and how they've taken out rejecting ones.
Urgh, I hate assignments. I am up to number 6, so only one more (yay)! There's also a research assignment (a 'draft' due Monday (next week) and then submitted on Friday) and then a wonderful philosophy essay I haven't started. Oh gosh I'm so worried about it. :(
So close to finishing. So close. I can almost taste it.
My room has a new cupboard set up which means my room is semi-clean (finally). Also I have to spend Friday buying presents (even though I should be spending it doing this stupid research assignment which can go suck my balls).
Having difficulty deciding (theoretically) what sort of lense I want to buy. I can go cheep and decent or expensive and wonderful. Cheep = reasonably priced and has a reasonable amount of features. Expensive = extremely expensive, but it will be using the functions in my camera that I paid so much for (I would be wasting them otherwise) and I will probably never have to upgrade (since the L series = awesome) and the lense I'm looking at has multiple functions (it's for portraiture and wild life shootang). That said I still need to do more homework :( research into whether this lense I'm looking at is good for low light and has a good speed (it should have good speed since it's a portrait lense, but I'm not actually sure).
Oh man I hate extra homework for things I love. Hobbies should be easy. *sigh* Also HDR: okay learnt.
*cuddles* GTG.